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Entries in chairs (116)


Dog on a chair...and an interview

Claudia of sofa blog emailed with a link to the cutest photo I've ever seen. It's one of my favourite chairs with one of my favourite dogs. Too cute for words, really. (Thx Claudia!)

And thanks to Shauntelle for posting this interview of me on her blog A Beautiful Abode.


My Easter weekend painting projects

Like Jo, I thought this weekend was perfect for getting some painting projects done around the house. I just finished mine a couple of hours ago. I painted 2 bamboo/cane chairs I bought last month at an antiques store. I still need to have the cushion on the white chair professionally upholstered because I want piping detail, and the other I am hoping my mom will make a cover for me. I should have probably waited until spring to do this when I could have sprayed them outside instead of in my basement (no ventilation), but I have no patience. And as a result, my house absolutely STINKS, I am totally nauseous and the cats are all high. The prices you have to pay for interior design...



How to find a peacock chair in 4 steps - Part 2

A couple weeks ago Jo posted her fabulous peahen chair she found at her favourite thrift shop. She mentionned that she was on the hunt for a peacock chair. And since seeing the peacock chair in Wary Meyers pad (who are my idols btw), I've been dreaming of having one of my own. So here are my 4 steps to finding a peacock chair.

1 - check craigslist on a daily basis and pray that one day a peacock chair will magically appear.
2 - almost drop dead from shock when an ad for "wicker chair - $20" appears on craigslist and IT TURNS OUT IT'S A PEACOCK CHAIR.
3 - scramble to organize borrowing your parents SUV and contact the seller to arrange a pickup (and seller tells you someone has already been in contact about it and would pick it up Sunday but if you can get there before that, it's yours). Tell him no problem, and you'll give him $30 for it too!
4 - Pick up chair (get extra bonus of meeting seller's albino Great Dane) and thank your father 6 times for driving you across town in traffic to get it.


Dog on a thrift chair

Thanks to Mara for sending in this photo of her sweet king charles cavalier spaniel Leia - who happens to be sitting on a thrifted chair she rehabbed. Love LOVE the chair and the pooch!


Flickr finds - reading corner