My Easter weekend painting projects
Like Jo, I thought this weekend was perfect for getting some painting projects done around the house. I just finished mine a couple of hours ago. I painted 2 bamboo/cane chairs I bought last month at an antiques store. I still need to have the cushion on the white chair professionally upholstered because I want piping detail, and the other I am hoping my mom will make a cover for me. I should have probably waited until spring to do this when I could have sprayed them outside instead of in my basement (no ventilation), but I have no patience. And as a result, my house absolutely STINKS, I am totally nauseous and the cats are all high. The prices you have to pay for interior design...

Reader Comments (27)
so impressive and impressed. good work!
I like them both - but I just love the white one. Great job!
I REALLY love the first one, was it pricey to just get the cushion upholstered????
stuff like this is like a drug for me - i just can't get enough - these look so awesome - great job!
Thanks! Jen, Jo thinks it'll cost about $60 for the cushion. Whatever the price, it'll be worth it.
Beautifuk green zebra print!
Great work.
Looooves it!!
It's a good thing you didn't wait until spring, because the way things have been going around these parts, it seems as though winter shall become a year-round condition.
SO much better!
I especially love the first one :)
Ooh! The colours are sooo vibrant! I like both...but I think I prefer the yellow one more - the printed fabric reminds me of an onion that's been cut in half! Is that weird? :)
Love the transformation!! Amazing job!
WOW, those are awesome! I'm so inspired. I hate to paint, but you are tempting me to get out my paintbrush!
Wow is right! Love the white one and if we're not careful our yellow painting exploits will start a stampede on yellow spray paint.
Thanks everyone! Phoenix, I think that pattern is referred to as no, not weird.
The yellow on the second chair was an unexpected and refreshing splash of colour! I think Spring is officially here now! Thanks for sharing your chair renos.
Kim, i am reporting you to the Canadian SPCA.
so kidding...looks good!
I think huffing paint in a poorly ventilated space is one of the joys of DIY projects. I mean, look at your lovely chairs. GORGOEOUS. Plus, you got high.
Everyone wins. Even the cats.
Thanks! Not sure the "high" was worth it. Today I've got a killer headache and I'm still nauseous. Cats are good though. Not one of them complained of a headache. ;)
I'm in love with both of your projects. They are both so inspiring and have me reaching for the paint cans myself. I have so many furniture to-dos piled up.
Loving the pop of yellow!
Good to know, i was estimating about $60.... YOU will not believe this i was in an antique shop today and i was looking for a side chair for my booth at the STATIONERY SHOW and i found one just like the top white bamboo you got! Great price so i bought it. OF COURSE the upholstery was s**t! It had like zoo animals and very jungle i will be looking around for an upholsterer tomorrow morning! Think i will paint it white to match the side table in my booth. Great, thanks for the INSPIRATION...i too get anxious and cant wait, just like you! PAINTING it tomorrow! lol
wow kim, you are really good at this. Love your color combos too.
That's too funny Jen. Do share some photos when you're done with your new chair. And thanks imegagoze!
Would you mind sharing your fabric resources? I have two chairs and an ottoman to reupholster and just can't seem to find fabric that suits them.
Can you share what type of paint you used? You mentioned spray paint. Any more details? I have two dark brown bamboo/wicker/wood chairs (purchased from Pier 1 in the States years ago) very similar to yours and would love to paint them a more exciting color.
I used a primer (Behr) on them first then used Painter's Touch spray paint from Home Depot. I then sprayed them with lacquer - I bought 2 different kinds, one just a gloss, and one that said it was like 3 coats of gloss. You MUST lacquer them to keep the paint from flaking.