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Entries in bathroom (252)


12 bathrooms for Maryam (maybe 16)

Maryam from My Marrakesh has the mammoth task of fitting out 12, yes 12, bathrooms in her guesthouse currently under construction. She's asked us for some inspiration and we've come up with a few ideas. Key words for bathrooms on the cheap - colour, rendered walls, repurposed vintage furniture, tiles where necessary and unusual wallcoverings (sealed of course). You can find more inspiration here and here and here.

Alan TanksleyMarie Claire Maison
Michael LuppinoCrossan Clarke Carnachan
David ParmiterMichael Smith
BluelinesSteven Gambrel
Pieter EstersohnJames Merrell
Barclay FryeryBetsy Burnham
DominoHome Portfolio

P.S. These were some quick ideas thrown together. Hope you like them Maryam. I'm craving indoor outdoor bathrooms with plunge baths and open air showers. Very spa like and organic. Think Balinese resort but with Moroccan twist. Ahhhh to dream!


Much love

I find this photo totally endearing. So simple and serene and just .... *sigh*.



Boform is a company out of Denmark that manufactures beautiful modern cabinets for kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms etc. Check out their website for more photos if you're a modernist.


Ruba dub dub

More bathrooms to drool over. Whether you're a shower person or love a good soak in the tub here are some bathing beauties for you.

BelleGail Marsden
HomeInside Out
HakataiLiving Etc
Thread CollectiveSills Huniford


Yet another bathroom reno

Happy Sunday folks! Hope you all have a great day. I will be holed up in my bathroom all day (and all day tomorrow) while I try and glam up one of the ugliest spaces ever. I would like to know why I came up with the ridiculous idea of painting stripes. It has taken me 2 hours just trying to come up with a width and to pencil the lines and then tape them. I'm already exhausted. Haven't even started painting yet. I looked through my bathroom photos I've saved to see if anyone was retarded enough to try painting stripes and sure enough, this was the only photo I found and it's clearly wallpaper.

How's this for glam?