Monday's pets on furniture
If you would like to participate in the Monday's pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net, or hashtag your photos #DTIpetsonfurniture.
You've featured my kitty Lulu before. Here's another pick if you wish to post. (YES!!! This is one of my favourite pet entries EVER!!! - Kim)
- Sandra
Early last week we were contacted by the Country Cat Sanctuary because they had taken in a Siamese named Maurice that needed some special care. His owner had gotten herself knocked up and kicked him and his sibling out into the garage ALL WINTER. Before anything else awful could happen to him Gwen (who runs the sanctuary) offered to take him but being caged up was stressing him out, and he was overweight, so she thought we could help. We picked him up Wednesday and he is an absolute sweetheart. He was totally relaxed within 10 minutes of being at our house and now follows us around like a dog. He is declawed on all 4 paws (AGH! Don't ever do this to your cat!!!) and is HUGE. And we love him. But we'd love for him to find a permanent home so we can continue to help out with fostering. If anyone out there is interested in adopting him give me a shout.
I took this photo about a half hour after we got him.
Later that day when former feral Frankie got his first glimpse of him. LOL!
Yep, he settled in no problem. :)
Reader Comments (5)
Fave pets on furniture EVER!!!!
As usual, all wonderful! I try to never point out a fav, (because they are all terrific!) but the portrait of 'Zara' touches me in ways I'can't explain. Great capture of a moment in time.
Thank you all for sharing
This is a wonderful week of Pets on Furniture!!! My gosh that Corgi is amazing!!
I agree. Best in show all around! I love Zara's ears! The two of them are almost as big as her? head. This gave me some humour since it's been a week since I put my sweet Maggie to sleep. She had big ears to.
Cats & Corgis! Best Pets on Furniture ever!