Monday's pets on furniture (and an experience worth sharing)
If you would like to participate in the Monday's pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!
This is my dearest Quin. She passed away recently at the age of 19. She loved this sofa and spent a lot of time lounging here.
- Kim
This is Maisie. She was featured on Pets on Furniture once before, grooming herself in the dryer. In these 2 photos she is on ACTUAL furniture.
1 - she's taking her afternoon constitutional in our bedroom. She's barely left this spot (my side of the bed) since I added the chenille blanket a little over a week ago. Every night when I go to bed I find her here, and she gives me the same look you see in the photo: "Just try and make me move!"
2 - Here she's checking out my newly organized desk drawer. Not really. Just thieving pencils again, one of her favorite pastimes when she isn't hogging the bed.
- Susan
My cat Byron, 5 months old, sleeps on my desk all day. I work from home so I have a lot of conference calls, he sleeps through them all!
- Amanda
A couple from me. First one is Phoebe laying on the sofa while I was trying to take a photo of my new monstera plant. Second one is Lucky and former feral Bernie hanging out in the bedroom while I was photographing the gallery wall.
Country Cat Sanctuary is a non-profit, no-kill registered charity located outside of Ottawa, and they contacted me recently and asked if I wanted to make a donation towards an auction they are currently running in order to raise money towards helping lots of cats in need (please go check it out and bid on items, like my shelf!). I was absolutely willing to help again this year and husband and I went out to the sanctuary a couple of weekends ago to drop off the shelving I donated and to visit for the first time. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life, and this is why I wanted to share it with you all as part of this pet post. OMG I am tearing up as I write this, it was such an emotional experience. The sanctuary is essentially an outbuilding that has been insulated and is heated, with chicken wire divisions separating off the front kitchen area, then the main living space into 2 large rooms. There are also a couple of other smaller rooms to one side for cats with FIV or who need to be with fewer cats. To my shock, this place houses about 150 cats. Many of these cats are feral and will live out their lives at the sanctuary. There are also soooooo many cats there that are the sweetest, most beautiful creatures I have ever seen. My husband and I ended up spending 4 hours there, visiting with the cats, taking photos and helping with the chores. Within about 15 seconds of us walking through the front room while I was trying to get my camera out of my bag, I had a cat climb up my sweater and nuzzle my face (yep, there's a video from a few minutes later). I nearly burst into tears right then and there. I don't know how many times I said over and over again to Ayse, who helps run the sanctuary, "why is this cat still here???". I really wanted to share this on the blog in the hopes that it gets the word out that there is this totally amazing place filled to the rafters with cats who really deserve a real home. Where they aren't fighting for attention with 149 other cats. I managed to not cry while we were there but I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face as I write this thinking about that day. Several times while we visited I sat on the floor and was instantly swarmed by cats looking for some affection. My husband sat on a leather easy chair for over an hour and one cat after another would climb up on his lap and get the petting of their lives. I had brought a couple of bags of treats and when I pulled one out and shook it, I could not believe my eyes. I was immediately surrounded by about 50 cats! (here's a video clip) Husband and I plan to go back maybe this coming weekend and I will take more photos, and plan to bring more canned food (a treat for them), some cooked chicken (another real treat for them), some toys and whatever else I can manage. Here is another video I took, and now for some photos....
If I didn't already have my hands full with more cats than I should have (including one fighting lymphoma who has drained us financially) there are so many of these little buggers that I could have loaded up into my car. And if we go next weekend there's no telling what will happen. The one that mauled me as soon as I walked in almost made it home with us last time. Almost.
Reader Comments (6)
How did you cope after loosing Quin? My Maggie is going to be 12 this May. I know that my heart is going to break and I am dreading the day. I have lost family members, as well as another cat and dog but Maggie is very special to me. My condolonces on your loss.
what a special place, that looks like. they seem to love it there, and appear to be quite well fed! as sad as it is they are there and not in a loving home, it really looks like they get and give love to each other and have beds and all sorts of places to lounge. i am happy having seen this. thanks for sharing, and i'm glad you and the husband are helping the sanctuary!
As usual amazing photos. We have 2 rescue cats, both from our local RSPCA. We got Puddha (named by our then 3 year old son) when she was 4. She is now 20 and still going strong. Our other wee girl Nimbus had an awful start to life. We've had her 10 years now. It's a privilege to have them. Huge respect to the animal charities that do an awful bloody job. Would break my heart, but thank god for them.
My Oliver, who has been featured here a couple of times with his canine mates Bodhi and Tucker, will be 17 this April. I know his days are growing shorter and none of us will be prepared for the Big Day when it comes. I check his breathing daily as it is.
Wonderful! Since you have your hands full at home, you can leave those kitties at the sanctuary comfortable with the knowledge it is no-kill and they are safe and well cared for. I have volunteered at a local no-kill animal shelter several hours per week for the past 3-1/2 years and it's the best thing I've ever done.
Very sorry to hear about your kitty's health troubles; I understand it well.
Thanks for including Quin; it was so nice to see her little noggin at the top when I opened the feed. @Mary & @Bev65 - There is nothing you can do to prepare yourself so try not to dwell on what you don't want to come. Just cherish every possible moment you can.
Oh my. I commentend on insta, they all deserve a loving home and a caring hand to cuddle every time they want.