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Monday's pets on furniture

If you would like to participate in the Monday's pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net, or hashtag your photos #DTIpetsonfurniture.

Attached is a picture of Sponge, the cat. While he enjoys a variety of hobbies (e.g., bird watching, dog management), his true passion is catching rays in his Hovmand Olsen lounge chair. He commandeered the chair shortly after restoration and now refuses to lounge elsewhere, putting up a good defensive game when necessary.
- Zach (central MA)

This is our beloved Citrouille…she passed away on March 2nd at almost 20 years old! This photo illustrates beautifully her presence…always center stage, very active (broke many vases) and more than anything, very loving and accepting of all the other fur balls that came in after her. RIP Citrouille xox. Art by Simon Rochon, table and chairs by Ligne Roset.
- MarieClaude (Montreal) 

His name is Pixel. He is taking a Monday nap on our bed, his favorite place to sleep. His past time is playing with his toy mice and cuddling up in a warm cozy spot.
- Ashley of Wanderzest (Salt Lake City, Utah) 

Every Monday when I look through your posts I think that my precious kitten Jellie (1.5 years old) would fit perfectly in your weekly series.
- Katya (UK) 

Our transplanted rescue cat, Singha, enjoying her new home in London along with her Ethan Allen leather recliner purchased in Calgary almost 10 years ago.  The 20 year old B&B Italia bench (purchased from Robert Sweep in Calgary) is another favourite item belonging to all in this household.
- Christine

A couple from me. Yesterday afternoon I was in the kitchen for a bit and when I can came back into the living room I spotted a row of cats in a sun beam on my Moooi carpet. It was about -30 outside, go figure. And then Lucky blending into my shaggy stool. 


Grooming himself in the morning light. #threeleggedcat #catsofinstagram #dtipetsonfurniture #dspetstyle

A post shared by Suzanne (@suzypuss63) on Mar 10, 2017 at 8:44am PST

These three have been following me everywhere today, I'm the luckiest. #goblin #anubis #falkor

A post shared by Steffanie Strazzere (@swamp.snacks) on Mar 11, 2017 at 9:51am PST

One year ago today, I brought this precious little ball of dynamite and snuggles home from the animal shelter! Midna (yes, named after the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess character) is playful, fearless, scrappy, mischievous, and so heart-meltingly adorable you can't help but scoop her up for cuddles (and take the consequences). She follows me around the house when I'm working on projects and she has to stick her nose in everything - and she absolutely HAS to sit on the counter and watch me put on makeup, all the while trying to steal my brushes. All in all, we are the best of frenemies, and she sleeps on my legs every night ☺ P.S. She also matches EVERYTHING in my house, which was completely unintentional but totally awesome. #adoptdontshop #calicocat #thegatheredhome

A post shared by Brynne Delerson (@the_gathered_home) on Mar 11, 2017 at 6:37am PST


A post shared by Amanda Sayre (@therusticowl) on Mar 10, 2017 at 7:37am PST

One of the rare shots of Rosie. (She really doesn't like to be up on the furniture much!) ...Years ago I inherited my sister's sweet Rottweiler rescue, Princess, when my sister was terminally ill. A few months after she came to us, Princess passed away from a liver condition. I didn't have the heart to tell my sister, knowing that she would be heartbroken. So I was on the hunt to adopt another Rottie in need, and name her "Princess -----" (In this case Princess Rosie) So when my sister asked how "Princess" was, we could say "Great". I always felt some guilt about it, but I believe I saved my sister some heartache at a difficult time, and I believe she would have done the same thing for me. She saved so many dogs, cats and even possum in her lifetime - a true animal lover and advocate. πŸ’•

A post shared by Sharlene Kayne Designs (@skaynedesigns) on Mar 5, 2017 at 6:49pm PST

Enjoying a sunbeam. . #solarpower #discocat #dtipetsonfurniture #georgenelson #faustusvonfluffypants

A post shared by Rebekah (@grendelthecat) on Feb 24, 2017 at 3:30pm PST

Reader Comments (6)

Thank you for sharing the photo of our dear the description, we should read Art by 'Simone Rochon' not Simon, sorry about that!

13 Mar 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMarieClaude

What a great edition this week! Love the one with the Frida Kahl portrait. It's so artfully composed and better, I think, because the cat would not cooperate by sitting in the chair. Just like Frida lived!

13 Mar 2017 | Unregistered CommenterSusan L.

Wow! I have to agree that this weeks 'Pets' are wonderful. The glimpses of lovely, lived in homes. Wonderful textiles. The beautiful pets. The talent. I love the collage of Frida. My cat sits at the dining table like Frithjof while we eat, always staying on the seat and never climbing up on to the table. I hope he lives as long as Citrouille. Ah, lots of sunshine...

13 Mar 2017 | Unregistered CommenterAnna L

Loved all the photos and captions! Beautiful pets and homes! I adore my weekly reminder that there is still good in the world. Skaynedesigns story about Princess was exceptionally touching. I hope good things happen to you and Princess Rosie.

13 Mar 2017 | Unregistered CommenterBernadette

Wonderful pets, all. Especially touching is the story about Rosie the Rottie and her predecessor, Princess. The little fib told by the woman who took them both in to her dear, terminal sister is a true example of wisdom and kindness.

14 Mar 2017 | Unregistered CommenterHolland

Another week of blubbering and cooing while scrolling. Such beautiful animals, all of them. POF is a 'not to be missed' part of my week.

16 Mar 2017 | Unregistered CommenterKristi

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