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Monday's pets on furniture

If you would like to participate in the Monday's pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!

Spent a good part of the weekend crawling around in our garden, securing the fence so this little bundle of love can run around freely again. I got muddy and she was psyched! Landscaping pretty much done for this year. Now plotting to see @villabetulablog again soon, she took this pic, can you tell from her signature light style? πŸ˜πŸ™‹πŸ»‍β™€οΈπŸ’– #myeclecticmix #myeclecticstyle #myoffcataloguehome #bedroominspo #luxuryinteriorsonabudget #howivintage #howyouthrift #abigailaherncolour #interiordesign #inspirasjonsguidennorge #moreismoredecor #colourmyhome #reusereducerecycle #casavoguebrasil #familylivingfint #livingwithkids #sodomino #fearlesshome #myhomevibe #styleithappy #ilovedogs #frenchiestagram #prodigybull #mercimercishop #dtipetsonfurniture

A post shared by Maria Aarli-Grøndalen (@nordic_by_maag) on Nov 26, 2017 at 11:13am PST

Happy to be home 😊🐢 #dtipetsonfurniture #dogsofinstagram #interiordetails

A post shared by Sarah Stuchbery (@stuchberysarah) on Nov 12, 2017 at 2:56pm PST

#handsome #dspetstyle #dtipetsonfurniture

A post shared by Suzanne (@suzypuss63) on Nov 17, 2017 at 9:24am PST

I think I swallowed a fur ball! Scratchy throat and annoying cough- so apologies in advance to Peach @comedowntothewoods who I am sharing a room with tonight as we are heading to Ascot with @christy_home ! Hoping a couple of tablets and lots of coffee will help keep me going as there is no way I am sending in a sick note for this treat! I have only squeezed in one outfit option due to having to carry a chugging diffuser wherever I go (hotels never have provisions for curly Sues!) so I really hope it is acceptable/ appropriate! #styleithappy #ascotraces #myhomevibe #petsonfurniture #cushionstyling #yellowandpink #sofastyle #sofainspiration #elledecor #myFABhome #hagueblue #fauxflowers #apartmenttherapy #pocketofmyhome #jonathanadler #westgermanpottery #showemyourstyled #sodomino #ekbbhome #myhomeforhp #sassyhomestyle #interiorboom #nestandflourish #interior_delux #glamdecor #bohoglam #howihome #finditstyleit #designsponge #thisstylerocks

A post shared by Amy Wilson (@thisstyle_rocks) on Nov 22, 2017 at 11:19pm PST

Good MORNING! I know i bang on about plants and medicine and meditation and altars and all that stuff.... But did you know, I'm also a Photographer who has worked for @apartmenttherapy for a few years now?πŸ’ƒI am a qualified Interior Designer but actually really disliked designing homes for people- I realised I just wanted to appreciate the finished product hahahaha! So this freelance job has been the best of both worlds for me. I get to immerse myself in beautiful, real homes but then also flex my creative muscle with my photography and writing skills. I was super lucky to get the opportunity to do this, and even though I don't shoot as many homes as I used to, I love it when I get to share stuff like this! Franz and Patsy's beautiful home in Dunsborough is up on @apartmenttherapy now. I've popped the link in my bio for you to have a look. Please leave them some love in the comments of the story- so much blood sweat and tears has gone into this home. Congratulations @knappstone_dunsborough I hope you love!

A post shared by Hayley ✨ (@hayleygemma) on Nov 15, 2017 at 3:49pm PST

Deeper jewel toned colors have entered the living room perfectly in time for the cold weather. The vibrancy adds a layer of life to the space that I crave when the days get short. The fall hued kilim inspired pillows mixed with a luxe teal velvet and beach boho lumbar are my perfect mix of styles. That's my #saturdaysofastyling! What colors are living on your sofa now? ________________________ Curtains: @housethatshop Rug: @mohawk_home Pouf: @worldmarket Pillows: @michaelsstores @tuesdaymorning @lampsplus @hobbylobby Baskets: thrift stores ________________________ #showmeyourboho #thethriftedthrone #thepottedplant #eclectichomemix #mybohohome #mybotanicalbungalow #wildlifestyled #walltowallstyle #actualinstahomes #myclassyclutter #mydecorvibe #stellarspaces #homeandliving #myhomevibe #jungalowstyle #inspiremyinstagram #myhomevibe #mybohohome #ihavethisthingwithtextiles #houseplantclub #dslooking #colourmyhome #currenthomeview #bohodecor #mybohostyle #makehomeyours #mybhg

A post shared by Corinna | Hampton Roads, VA (@thebohoabode) on Nov 11, 2017 at 1:01pm PST

Warren had a tough day of sunbathing and napping on this chilly Sunday. He literally chases the sun spots around the house throughout the day 🌞. This room being his favorite! What a life! We can’t wait to see what he does when we bring his new sister, Queenie, home at the beginning of the year (swipe right)! SURPRISE! Things are about to get a little crazy πŸ¦ŒπŸ¦ŒπŸ™ŠπŸ˜‚! I hope that everyone had a great weekend! - Speaking of this room, that amazing green pillow in the background was made by my good friend @orientaltribe . It’s got deer on it that remind me of Warren’s deerish little figure. Check out their Etsy shop when you’ve got some. Such amazing fabrics and they are all one of a kind! + + + + + #apartmenttherapy #dogsofdomino #dogsindecor #mypuppylove #mypopofcolor #flashesoflight #italiangreyhounds #iggiesofinstagram #howwedwell #mywestelm #diydecor #etsyfind #instadog #stylishdog #worldmarket #howiboho #bohoismyjam #modernboho #mymodern #stellarspaces #homegoodshappy #pocketofmyhome #currenthomeview #currentdesignsituation #skonahem #interiorstyling #interiors_and_living #modeldog #bostonblogger

A post shared by Madison | Space + Habit (@mvwetter) on Nov 12, 2017 at 4:28pm PST

Just watched Paddington 2 at the cinema. It’s just too adorable - we all loved it and Hugh Grant is hilarious ! A brilliantly heartwarming film - totally recommend and couldn’t wait to get home and give our Teddy a massive snuggle! Here he is again for ‘Animal’ day on #myhousethismonth chilling on the kitchen sofa this afternoon. Have a great night guys x . . #myhyggehome #colourmyhome #sassyhomestyle #myhomevibe #dtipetsonfurniture #dogsandinteriors #cavapoo #cavapoosofinstagram #luxuryinteriorsonabudget #kitchendesign #kitcheninspo #elledecor #beautifulhomes #interiormilk #interiordesign #bohemianliving #mydomaine #interiorandhome #currentdesignsituation #realhomes #myinterior #interiorinspiration #myhometrend #myfabhome #apartmenttherapy #interiorboom #myeclecticmix

A post shared by Julia Eldon, Suburban Salon (@suburbansalon) on Nov 18, 2017 at 12:21pm PST

Hi, welcome to heaven.

A post shared by Steffanie Strazzere (@swamp.snacks) on Nov 7, 2017 at 5:13pm PST

Walked in to the bedroom to find pillows and cushions all over the place! 🀑 The culprit acted (and looked) cute AF because well, I don’t know mate, think that’s how we raised him 😣#needmoretraining ... and argh..!! Yes, also found a bone πŸ–buried under the duvet like some treasure or something. It’s not a sandpit but guess he knows it but don’t care 🀷🏽‍β™€οΈπŸ˜–. Again #needmoretraining . It’s Monday tomorrow and I can’t wait to go to the πŸ–, drinking 🍹 and pretend to read a πŸ“– ! Are you ready for your Monday?#sorrynotosorrynotowork . . . #stolithepuff #stoliwoolie #westhighlandwhiteterrier #bichonfrise #lhasaapso #adoptdontshop #doglover #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta #trainthatdog #dtipetsonfurniture

A post shared by Ferris (@ferrissque) on Nov 25, 2017 at 11:25pm PST

This is norwegian Lars, he loves to pose and wait for drinks on the sofa.
- Nicholas

My sister Jen sent me this photo of one of her 3 cats, Spencer, lounging in her living room on a chair that used to be our grandmothers. 

And one from me of my blue point Himalayan Milo watching the happenings on the street from the front living room window. 

Reader Comments (2)

Max is flattered to be featured, thank you! A collection of stunning pics and cuuuuute pets. Lots of lovely velvet and sheepies......
27 Nov 2017 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Stuchbery
Wonderful. Thanks
28 Nov 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMoyra

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