More from Kate Hume
I have always loved this French manor house by Dutch designer Kate Hume. I had seen glimpses of it but never the whole house. On a recent revisit to the website, much to my delight, I discovered that there were more photos and, well, I certainly wasn't disappointed. It's stunning. The dialogue between old and new, the casual luxury. Kim first featured a room or two back in 2008 and I love how good design stands the test of time and the foibles of fads.
Reader Comments (7)
The use of black and white is very dramatic. Love love love that exterior with the garden!
I LOVE the look of wall-to-wall sisal, but cannot help wondering how practical it is. How would you ever clean cat or dog vomit out of it? Wool area rugs are so easy to clean...
Beyond fabulous................amazing. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE...............
There is not one single thing, from architecture to vase, that I don't absolutely love. Wow!
Surely someone lives here ?. It looks like a decorated. And the best gray walls to refine much contrast. That's right: wonderful ceramics.
Hier möchte ich wohnen! Wunderschön!
Everything is coherent, the furniture is simple but elegant and the art pieces perfectly placed. It really is a demonstration of interior design and architecture.
Warm, modern and good looking now just put your everyday mess in it.....