A very industrial SOHO apartment
Three Seven is made up of Caroline Petit of France and American Jonas Mason. Together they are out to conquer the world (or at least America) by dumpster diving, attending auctions, exploring abandoned barns and neglected garages in the hunt for vintage treasures. You can check out the products they have found and sell in their shop here, and this SOHO apartment is an example of the thrifted, industrial style they love.
Reader Comments (5)
love it!
Very nice but show the books!.
I mostly like it ... it still needs a lot of "softening" to me but it is charming .. it has character which is lovely and it has a happy look to it :) I like what they did with the little strings of lights. I have to remember that .. I will be moving soon .. new place, new home, new decor ! :)
Like the use of warm colors but still way too stark & hard edged for my taste. I would want some soft fuzzy textures to counter point all that industrial splendor! To each their own. However, if that's a baby's room with what looks to be a changing table, my kid would rip those little framed pieces off the wall before their first birthday. Also need something much softer and more cushioned on floor under or near crib for when/if that baby climbs out!! Just my humble opinion...
So much to love here, but THAT SOFA. It just looks so uncomfortable. The seat cushion is almost nonexistent, the back pillows would slide around on you, and you can't even lean on the wall behind it, because the window is in-set. But it really is a charming home, I'd just make sure to bring my own bean bag chair when visiting.