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Mill Valley dreaming

Blogging about incredible design is a hazardous pursuit. I kid you not. Hazardous to your peace of mind. How can I erase from my mind's eye the wondrous sight of these cabins settled within a glorious garden on the slopes of Mill Valley, California? I can't. I'll spend the day dreaming about how and why and when and what I'd do if they were mine and I'll fall asleep with that roof garden slowly intruding my nocturnal revelries. Mill Valley Cabins, home to an artist and a gardener/yoga enthusiast by San Francisco based Feldman Architects.

Reader Comments (2)

Wow what great use of the site and so light and beautiful inside too .Heaven...

3 Sep 2015 | Unregistered Commenterdale

I love the rooftop planting and the peaceful space to work. In New Orleans, we don't have any place where you can create such an amazing work of art. Mostly, we have small gardens stuck between tall old homes.

Anyway- beautiful. I am glad I found it.

Have a great day.


17 Oct 2015 | Unregistered CommenterChad Harris

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