Hard core
It does not get much more hard core than this. A new location property (4300 sq ft victorian semi detached) available via Shoot Factory. I don't think I need to say more. :)
Kim's personal links
kitchen remodel in my last house
my twin sister's mostly kid's rooms decor blog
It does not get much more hard core than this. A new location property (4300 sq ft victorian semi detached) available via Shoot Factory. I don't think I need to say more. :)
Reader Comments (12)
I do like the guitar room.
Hilarious! Man caves usually don't have so many crystal chandeliers.
Huh..."man cave " never occurred to me. I saw a lot that I liked and a lot that was just ostentatious. I admired some and barfed some.
Nothing else comes to mind that smacks of "I don't really cook" like this kitchen... It's absolutely ripe for a FUCK YOUR NOGUCHI COFFEE TABLE Sunday super combo:
- Animal bones. Everywhere!
- All stainless steel - I get the help to keep them all shiny
- An Aga (probably not used for heating or for normal practical use in this space)
- Exhaust over the stove? But it takes up skull space! Think of the dead animals!
- The
slavesuh help don't have enough to do so there's a chandler in the kitchen- Exposed ceiling boards: adds character to the room and to the food you're serving ("that's not salt")
- Liquor colleciton: for guests like me to keep their sanity. How considerate
Everything looks cool and solid except for the round arch doors. They make the doorway look cheap and squat.
All this tells me is that narcissists with zero compassion for animals live here.
It looks like a fucking graveyard. Of animals. And of a good taste.
Loathe it. It looks like decay. Utterly depressing.
All I can think of is: alone and dark, no power, 3am, stormy night. Do NOT go to sleep..
My goodness, it's like the pied a terre of a Bond villain.
On the plus side, every time you open the closets with the deer antler handles, someone from PETA has an aneurysm.
Does Slash live here? Got to say I wasn't at all surprised by the zebra skin bedspread.
Slash doesn't have this much taste. This is seriously wonderful. I can't believe how lame some of these commenters are. There is serious art going on here and most of you are crying about animal rights.