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Stalking in Surry Hills

I love the inner city suburbs of Sydney. Darlinghurst, Potts Point, Paddington, Redfern and the suburb that contains today's stalking victim subject, Surry Hills. You all know I love a Victorian era terrace house. I stalk enough of them here on the blog. Narrow and small, dark and dank, often difficult to live expansively in, a design challenge to update for the needs of modern living which is why I'm taken by this interesting interpretation of inside/outside, up/down living. A fab inner urban crash pad. Link here while it lasts.

P.S. The video helps explain the space much better than the photos.

Reader Comments (2)

There are some nice touches in materials and decoration (I love the recycled green sink), but the layout is just awful. There are four stories with only two bedrooms... which lead off from one another, and neither is anywhere near the single bathroom.

With the stairs stacked one on top of the other, there'd be enough space freed up to have four private bedrooms, or three private bedrooms and an upstairs bathroom. For a $1,000,000+++ house like this, the terribleness of the layout is baffling.

31 Aug 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBlanders

I agree. It's because they either chose to or couldn't afford to fix the biggest problem with all narrow terraces - the stairs.

The main staircase obviously blocks the flow of the first two levels, and the clunky stairs to the attic mean that bedroom is wasted too.

Fixing this would have meant major structural changes, and because it is so narrow might not work that well anyway.

This kind of thing is one of the reasons I hate terraces so much, and I live in Surry Hills.

31 Aug 2015 | Unregistered Commentersfdoddsy

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