A laboratory of wunderkammer
I featured a couple of projects by London-based interior designer Hubert Zandberg recently....but I have not yet shared his home with you. It is like a museum, a laboratory of wunderkammer. I hope he has a housekeeper because I cannot fathom having to dust all of the things. I could spend hours in his home inspecting each and every artifact. And then I would stuff a few things in my purse because he surely would not notice. ;)
Reader Comments (3)
Maximalism at it's best! As more of a minimalist, I can at least appreciate the effort and great style put into this place. I love to observe other people's collections, lol. And it has a good feeling to it.
Although I have to admit, my first thought too whenever I see stuffed and collected rooms is how much dusting will it take?
Are those cacti on either side of the bed? OUCH. I think photo stylists lose their minds a bit sometimes! : )
Du grand art ! Tout fonctionne à merveille du tank ,aux photos d'art contemporaines,des objets d'art africain avec les luminaires des années 50,des cordages aux têtes de mort... Comme on doit y être bien .Plus besoin d'aller au musée,on voyage sur place !