Carla Lane Interiors - Santa Monica home
Before I introduce this post, I just wanted to say a quick THANK YOU to everyone who sent donations towards my 3 feral cats' vet bills. Once this post published Georgie, Frankie and Bernie will be at the vets getting everything done - checkups, tested for diseases, vaccinations, and spaying (if Georgie isn't pregnant - but both my husband and I think she is :( ) and neutering. If the estimate I was given is accurate I should have enough to foot the bill, so I can worry about the kitties instead of the finances. I really appreciate everyone's help. Here's hoping today goes smoothly! I will put updates on Instagram. (P.S. I have a few pets on furniture entries - keep on sending them in if you want this series to continue! kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net)
Now onto the subject at hand - a fabulously designed house in Santa Monica by LA-based Carla Lane Interiors. This home is simply decorated but packs a punch. Timeless spaces that are comfortable and clearly made to be lived in and loved. Well, I freaking LOVE that mirror over the fireplace. It is the perfect subtle graphic statement for that fireplace.
Reader Comments (3)
So striking and yet serene at the same time. I've had the pleasure of meeting Carla. What a talent. I want to live in this house!
I really like the choice of objects used to finish the room off. My favourite is the apothecary glass and the great painting behind the silver tea set. All tied together really well.
Adore the first picture
Lots of love, xx