Stalking in Western Australia
I've crossed the whole continent of Australia and ended up in the west. I'm real estate stalking in West Leederville, Perth, Western Australia. An ultra modern and ultra stylish extension to a period cottage. How clever to replace the lost garden space gobbled up by the increased size of the house with a roof terrace. That's where you'd find me of an early evening, taking the the breezes and a glass or two of bubbly. Link here while it lasts.
Reader Comments (4)
I was stalking this property earlier today! Have a read of the process here:
a house for people who eat in restaurants!!
Being a fellow West Aussie myself I am so pleased to see a WA home on your blog.
The front yard is atrocious, but the rest of the house is far, far lovelier than any building in Perth has a right to be!