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A fresh, modern home in Austin Texas by FAB Architecture. Clean contemporary lines but with a hint of a more traditional home. Siding, gables, paned windows. Inside bright and light spaces accented with black. Stylishly simple and simply stylish.

Reader Comments (3)

I'm not getting an American vibe, let alone a Texas vibe, which is a very good thing. While the living room set-up awkward, when the real furniture is in there (I'm just going to assume!) it's probably good. The architecture is great, I love the almost cartoonish exterior and the open spaces. Tile, built-ins, wonderful euro-kitchen, although I wouldn't like to be stuck between the stove and the fridge with a difficult recipe -- I'd rather spend two hours stirring and looking out the window than standing in a bottleneck.

24 Mar 2015 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

It looks like a "remuddle" of a very American, hideous 70's-80's faux colonial or split level that were so plentiful in the 'burbs. The interior spaces seem "off." It's hard to believe this is a new build. It's as if the architect's were trying to open and modernize it, but didn't want to lose structural walls, or move the staircase, etc.
I can understand DIYer's and house-flippers doing something like this. But, for architects...not so fab.

24 Mar 2015 | Unregistered Commenterd of dogland

Lovely. Wonderful! So serene. A beautiful mix of tradition and modern.
I love it.

29 Mar 2015 | Unregistered CommenterElisabeth

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