Monday's pets on furniture
If you would like to send me photos to include in the next pets on furniture post, please ensure your photos follow these basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, if the photo is too dark or unfocused it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net. Thanks!
This is Wade sitting on his favorite leather chair.
- Aimee
my dog: Spike, Whippet
- Agnieszka (Cologne, Germany)
Here's Caleb discovering my new pedestal table, a glorious flea market find.
- Heather (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
This is Salsa, Portuguese for the latin dance and also for parsley! Crazy right?! She's a five years old smooth coat Fox Terrier rescue and she's the sweetest, jumpiest, happiest girl ever even if her health isn't the best (she has several allergies and was recently diagnosed with EPI - Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency making her unable to survive without medication). We live in an apartment and she loves to catch some sun in the balcony even in the Winter! She's laying on a pallet sofa I've put together and painted 5 years ago. The cushions were done by me and my mother (the bottom one is an Ikea baby's mattress).
- Marta (Lisbon, Portugal)
Our boy Henry on a lovely vintage step stool.
- Chania
I grew up a dog person, but have since adopted two cats and gotten so obsessed that they have their own Instagram (@dinkuscats). I was arranging the bookshelf when Taiga jumped up and made herself part of the tableau!
- Kelly (Los Angeles, CA)
This is a photo of my 4 1/2 month old fur baby, Oscar! I snapped him lounging in the sun this weekend on my grandmothers vintage arm chair.
- Ashly (Moncton, New Brunswick)
Attached is a picture of Hendrix, our soon to be 7 year old lab/whippet cross. We adopted him from the Winnipeg Humane Society on Easter Monday six years ago. He has chewed through many pieces of furniture in his first few months with us. Hendrix has now become quite the master of hanging out on sofas and beds while we are out. He is in our master bedroom, updated from a old black lacquer bedroom set that I painted out with a cream-white colour and built a new head board with the old platform (building plans courtesy of another website Ana White).
- Susan
Reader Comments (6)
Well, that green alligator velvet (never thought to put those two words together before) chair has to be the most spectacularly fabulous chair ever in the history of chairs. Where did that chair come from and can I get one? Agnieszka, you are lucky to have such a sweet dog and such a sweet chair!
Wade, Caleb, Hendrix, Oscar (awwwwwwwwww cute) Henry, Salsa you are all charming and good looking and indulged loved pets--so you are lucky but
today on Mondays Pets on Furniture you are all outshined by that crazy/fabulous chair in Cologne Germany. A tip of the hat to you, Madam.
In my irrational exuberance over that velvet alligator chair I have somehow missed including the cute cat Taiga in compliments. So, Taiga, you are a charming and obviously literary cat--lounging on those nice bookcases.--all the while being careful not to knock over those little pottery houses! I hope that your companion cat is named Tundra as that would be such a great pairing.
Every Monday I appreciate all the pets, furniture and photos people send in. It's fun and interesting and delightful every single Monday. Hats off to all!
Ahly, is Oscar a Keeshond? I have one and I see them so infrequently where I live (Wilmington, North Carolina), so I had to ask.
awwww, lovely doggies, kitties and furniture. it's so nice to see animals lounging, perching, and soaking in the sun. :)
Hey Darcie,
He sure is! They're becoming a more popular breed in Atlantic Canada - my sister lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has a three year old fuzzy butt named Coda. All of the keesie kisses to you in NC!
ERMEGERD!!! THAT GREEN VELVET ALLIGATOR CHAIR!!!! *swoons* Its so insanely amazingly wonderful! :D