Monday's pets on furniture
If you would like to send me photos to include in the next pets on furniture post, please ensure your photos follow these basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, if the photo is too dark or unfocused it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net. Thanks!
This is a photo of my 4 month old puppy, Oliver Wicke on our vintage chesterfield sofa flanked by two Bertoia Diamond chairs in our event venue, Warehouse:109!
- Corinne (Plainfield, IL / Chicago, IL)
We recently got a dog who keeps me company while I design, and he likes to balance on our One Drink Table. His name is The Head Honcho, but we call him Honcho for short.
- Katy (Brooklyn, NY)
Here's Westan three years later...
- Dylan
I am the cat-mom of Jenks who you featured on Monday's Pets on Furniture on October 14, 2014. It was the same day you featured a tribute to your boy Bubba Cheeks. I know it's a lot to ask, but I wondered if Jenks might get one more go round?
I had to put my sweet boy down for his final rest today. A combination of Diabetic ketoacidosis and a tumor forced me to make the awful, horrible decision. Jenks was loved by all my friends though he *seemingly* barely tolerated all of us. He was prone to following me from room to and rarely ever slept on any of my prized budget MCM furniture! I once said, truthfully, that HE was my most prized possession. If one can ever really say they own a cat and not the other way around. He was a moody cat, didn't play much, but he gave good snuggle and let me know in little ways, every day, that he loved me. I'll miss his obnoxious ways, his peculiar demands for attention and the way he lay in my arms like he was royalty - hence one of his many nicknames - The Prince. He was a good cat, a great cat and I loved every bit of him.
The pictures I chose are dark and a bit out of focus, but I wanted to show Jenks with some of my most valued pieces. I'm going to miss my Lil' man so very much. But he's no longer in pain and he'll live forever in my heart and all the photographs I've taken of him over the years. I would trade every piece I own to have him back with me today.
- Barbara (Norwich, CT)
Even in the heat of a New Zealand summer Meme is still happy to spend a few hours on her favourite leather Flutter Chair.
- Liz
While I was preparing this post last night I turned around and spotted this scene right behind me. Mimin and Lucky taking advantage of the warmth of the faux sheepskins on the Panton chairs (with tunes playing through the Bluetooth speaker my husband built) on my vintage repro Componibili.
And on a sad note, my 3 stray kittens are still outside, and it has been brutally cold lately. (-39C overnight) The person I was emailing with at The Avery Foundation a few weeks ago never answered my last email, so I am going to assume that's another rescue organization who isn't going to help. I have decided that when I get back from my holiday down south, I am going to trap these little guys and figure it out myself. I can't live with this situation any longer and I don't want them to die. I have had too many cats die on me over the past few years and I can't deal with any more horrible endings. I mean, look at these faces...
Reader Comments (12)
Thank's again for this post, it always makes me smile to look at those faces! And good luck with the kittens...I know how you feel!
I honestly feel your angst about the kitties. I invest a lot of time and resources trying to take care of the neighborhood abandoned cats. Although there have been some good there have also been a few devastating outcomes despite my fervent efforts. At times, we just need a win right? I will follow your story and gladly make a modest donation towards helping the cats.
The top three photos have to be the best MPOF entries EVER!
I love your Mondays Pets, it makes my first and the most difficult day of the week much, MUCH better !
Another fabulous round of pets on furniture (adorable pets, lovely homes and nice stories) . Barbara, your note made me cry. Take comfort in your wonderful memories of Jenks.
Best of luck capturing those cute kitties! Praying they're okay.
I have lined Rubbermaid storage containers with glued in (hot glue) Styrofoam sheets cut to fit and covered with thin silver survival blankets (including the lid). Also don't forget a 4 inch square door and hay is the warmest. The idea is that the cats own body heat is capable of heating the interior. It does work.
Thank you so much Kimi. :)
Bernadette, Barbara's entry made me cry too, for the record. And thanks :)
Tammy, there isn't much I can do. The dilapidated garage/shed they live in is on some crazy 90 year old woman's property. So all I can do is feed them daily and pray they find cozy spots amidst the garbage.
great pictures, all of them.
kim, it's nice there are people like you who go out of their way to help.
hopefully those adorable kitties find a warm place to live soon.
Barbara I am so sorry for your lost!
Dear Kim, thank you for taking care of this babies.
Will somebody take care of them while you are gone? I would also like to donate a modest amount to help taking future care of this babies.
Maybe we just need a crowdfunding project to collect money for a cat house in your home town? :-) We did something similiar in my town and it worked better then we could have imagined.
@to all readers living in Kim's area? Could you maybe take care of this poor baby cats at least until spring? If there is anybody willing to help I would donate a big package of cat food as a help.
For the cold little outdoor kitties: here are some shelter ideas. Scroll down for the affordable DIY options.
@Ombia - my husband is going to drive there every day to feed them. when i get back i am going to trap them (hopefully they let me!), take them to my house and figure out how to pay all the vet bills and find them homes. What we really need here in Ottawa is a Humane Society/SPCA that actually gives a damn, and has resources in order to be able to give a damn.
@Korin - thanks for the link. as I mentioned in an earlier comment, they live on someone's property so I can't do much for them in terms of shelter. the garage full of junk they live in seems to be doing an OK job of keeping them alive.
Oliver the black and white dog on that amazing baby blue chesterfield!!!
The photo is totally amazing.
Poor Jenks. Losing a fur baby is super hard.