Potrero Hill Bohème
It has been a little while since I featured San Francisco interior design firm Studio Revolution so I thought I would share a bit more of Jemy and Emily's work. Since I am never really going to be over the reclaimed wood trend, I am a big fan of this project. Potrero Hill Bohème has some really beautiful reclaimed wood wall features (YES to chevron pattern! ...maybe they're walllpaper?), and the subtle southwestern theme works really well here. (P.S. I you would like to contribute to an upcoming pets on furniture feature, please send photos to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net)
Reader Comments (10)
It's so stunning result!
If I see one more wall covered in reclaimed wood I may just scream. Trends have expiration dates, and this one has passed.
I think the reclaimed wood is gorgeous! I also love that it is green- repurposed. I tend not to let trends dictate what I love in decor, so it works for me!
Although I could do without those beautiful animal heads :(
Time to stop death on the walls, no more dead animals...in the same post you ask for pet pics....how does this work. Would people put their pet heads on the wall?
Respectable interior designers would know images/statues of Buddha should be placed above head height, on the floor or in the bathroom is especially offensive. In particular a head of Buddha place on the floor is a certain no no. If a person of buddhist faith visited this home unfortunately it would be upsetting to them.
My first intuitive reaction was how can you display dead animals on the walls in the same space with buddha statues... real malaise here.
I love your blog and look forward to it daily. But, the photos of interiors with dead animals
used as decoration is sickening. Please no more.
The animal heads are deeply disturbing and horrible. Why do this?
This project feels like such an amalgam of unfortunate trends to me, as if the designers just went down a list of everything that is "hot" today and ticked off each item whether it worked together or not.
It's really past time for taxidermy to go away, it ruins so many spaces. In this case though it is only one of many overdone elements that fight with each other.
Oh yes - sometimes ago these were the beautiful animals running in the fields - now they making a touch of chemistry in house
Also these kind of interiors are showing to the new generation - it s ok to kill the beautiful creations to make a composition on the wall
this is rude and cruel
please no more