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Sharing some rug love

I have been thinking alot about rugs lately, as they will be a great temporary solution to hiding the gawd-awful yellow/orange stained hardwood I have going on in my new house. It had been a while since I shared a rug roundup so I am due for an update. (And if I am lucky maybe one day I will train my cats to STEP AWAY FROM THE RUGS before they barf...which is one of the reasons why I will never be able to buy a coveted beni ourain)


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Reader Comments (10)

Oh how I love handmade rugs and carpets! I have a couple of large carpets from my trip to Turkey and several kilims acquired after I returned home. And then there are my Afghan kilims and carpets. But my hounds have the same habit of throwing up on the rugs, even if it's just the fringe!!!

25 Sep 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSparky

I'm so glad you've come around to addressing the color of the wood stain in your house. I admit I was worried by your original comment when you first got the house that you were"not a huge fan" of the color but were going to leave it because you didn't have the patience for such a job. I will tell you I have done the exact same sort of thing in trying to ignore something I was unhappy with because I thought it was too much trouble, only later having to admit that I really didn't like it and had to change it. It always happens. Especially something that you see everyday like your home. I had a strong suspicion that maybe the excitement of getting such a beautiful home was temporarily overshadowing your instincts about the wood color. Personally, I believe the word that came to my mind the first time I saw a picture of the stain color was (as you wrote in this post) "gawd-awful." Such a gorgeous home, but IMHO whoever painted the wood that color did a great disservice to the home. I hope this doesn't come off as some sort of back-handed compliment, I only mean to say that I am glad that you've gotten to the point where you admit it makes you unhappy, because then you are that much closer to the point where you make the change that DOES make you happy. I lived with a really ugly livingroom paint job once for a few years because I didn't want to admit that the color I'd chosen wasn't really what I thought it would be and didn't want to go through the trouble of repainting. When I finally admitted I'd made a mistake and got down to the business of reapinting I ended up with a color I really loved and wished I hadn't waited so long. Wishing you lots of luck with the wood whatever you decide.

25 Sep 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAdriene

@Sparky - carpets from Turkey! Kilims! :-) :-)

I appreciate your thoughts Adriene. I am definitively warming up to the idea of doing something with the woodwork...then the sun shines through the foyer and my doubts about painting come back to the surface. But now that I have lived here for a few months and the "novelty" of living in a house with so much more character than my last house has worn off a bit, I just want to make this house my own, and perfect for me (and the husband, but he gets no say LOL). And I don't think yellow/orange floors and mahogany trim/panelling is going to cut it.

25 Sep 2014 | Registered CommenterKiM

Uhm, I have very old wood floor (fishgrate) with the same honey color like yours in my home and I allways loved the warmth and golden glow it gives to the rooms when the sun shines in. Sad that you find it" gawd-awful". Well, every girl her own taste. ;-)

27 Sep 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSusann

It is true that everyone has their own tastes, but we were't talking about the floors. At least I wasn't. I was talking about the wood trim and the wainscoting.

27 Sep 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAdriene

Oh sorry Adriene, my post wasnt meant as a answer to your post, more a comment to Kims. I thought she wants to hide her floor with rugs because of the yellow/orange color and I just wanted to say that I love the color of her wood floor, like the one in my own home. Maybe I didnt understand Kims words right, english isnt my first language.

27 Sep 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSusann

Great rugs! Because I share my life with cats I do prefer bare floors and the fact that I can clean them fast every day.
I love everything about this picture

27 Sep 2014 | Unregistered CommenterOmbia

So funny, my cat with the sensitive tummy makes a beeline right for rugs when he has to barf. Runs over all the hardwood floors to the furthest rug. A new rug just got the barf blessing the other day. I guess this is also where patterned rugs are an advantage. And why our vintage silk rug is never on the floor, but rolled up in storage (sad) or hanging on a wall (now that's a solution!).

3 Oct 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

Trust me when I say the floors are awful. I have honey coloured flooring upstairs (a different wood species and stain) and they are lovely. On the main floor there's much more orange and there's nothing nice about it. (I often tone the saturation down in my photos because it's embarrassing).

Deb - what is it about cats insisting on heading straight for carpet?! One of my cats does that with food too if we feed him bits of chicken while we eat dinner - he will often carry them over to the front hall carpet and eat them there. Or want them tossed over there to him. My moroccan wedding blanket will forever be hung on the wall instead of on the bed thanks to the felines.

4 Oct 2014 | Registered CommenterKiM

I agree that you are likely to want to change them soon. The rugs are a temporary fix and all of these are beautiful. But I also discovered it is easier to clean bare wood floors. Despite that fact, I bought really nice Oriental throw rugs for our bedroom, which has dark hardwood floors. I put runners along each side of the bed so we feel carpet under our bare feet when we wake up. Otherwise, I decided not to have rugs and to refinish the floors.

24 Oct 2014 | Unregistered CommenterFlortec

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