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« D. L. Rhein | Main | Stalking two terraces in Sydney - no. 1 »

Stalking two terraces in Sydney - no. 2

The second of today's stalking targets. Just moments from the other house but so different. A worn patina to its facade and a country meets artist meets historical meets faded charm feel. Favourite rooms? I'd love to sit and gossip with friends over a large pot of tea in the kitchen and my inner crafter is coveting the craft room. So which one could you live in? I'm leaning towards... hum ... this one. Link here while it lasts.

Reader Comments (2)

Wow, I love this place!!!

1 May 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRO

That's so beautiful!

5 May 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDespinach

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