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Working on a Saturday

If you have to go to work on a Saturday I couldn't think of a better place than the Birkenstock Australia HQ. Sustainability, quality, craftsmanship ... not just Birkenstock but the design by Melbourne Design Studio. Yes please! Read more about the brief and the designers' approach to the project here.

P.S. Why am I obsessed by working on a Saturday all of a sudden? I have a new business, Feast and Co. Pardon the website as it is still in development but we are all about catering and functions based in a beautiful old 1916 home. We're super busy this weekend with two weddings. Yikes! I better get off this blog and back to the bride. Hopefully photos and background story soon.

Reader Comments (3)

I have been going through your blog and just wanted to say that I really like it :)

12 Apr 2014 | Unregistered CommenterEmmi

Having worked in a shoe boutique, I can appreciate the sight line available to the sales staff. Wonderful brickwork, Having worked in offices, I can feel for the people who have to sit on stools while dealing with all-day dilemmas on the internet. Ow, ow, ow. While I love modern office layouts, when I see that older workers -- so many of us, and no one interested -- are pretty well blocked out just by initial decisions in office layout, that makes me sad. Or mad. Or both. However, I do love the blog's renewed interest in work spaces, and won't be missing even one of the posts.

13 Apr 2014 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Oregonbird, rest assured that everyone in the offices at Birkenstock Australia has a very comfy office chair. The stools were just for the photos as the actual chairs hadn't arrived

14 Apr 2014 | Unregistered CommenterManuela

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