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Inside Out is out and it's early

Don't you love it when the next issue of your favourite magazine is about to hit the shelves? I guess what's even better is when it pops up early! Lee Tran Lam, Managing editor ofInside Out magazine emailed with a tasty tidbit from the April issue.

"I hope you don't mind if I share with you the colourful home of a photographer whose work has featured on your great blog before. Her name is Jenny Brandt, she's from Sweden, and of course, she's a talented multitasker – she's a blogger and illustrator, too. Not only does she know how to zip through her to-do list, she also has overhauled an originally dilapidated house – with its cracked façade and plastic carpet – and turned it into something vibrant and welcoming. (Adding lots of windows and colour really helped! Her dad also gets credit for painting duty – he turned the dining table an electric coat of purple.) The graphic pink-and-white pattern that jolts through one room is pretty cool, too. 

The styling is by Kicki Wieslander and, of course, Jenny took the great photos. They appear in our new April edition (surprise surprise, it's the colour issue – with a double hit of colour on the cover, too; in fact, there are two covers!)."


Love Jenny's home! Love the two covers! I've seen inside the latest issue and I love it all! a kaleidoscope of colour! Aussie readers can pick up their copy of the April Inside Out now. Don't fret if you aren't in Australia though because you can read along on  ZinioGoogle Play and the Apple Newsstand.

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