New art
Jo mentioned back in this post a few weeks ago that the lovely folks over at Arte Limited offered us some prints that they carry in their online shop. I was super excited because I love art, was craving some new pieces for my home, and the artists on their roster are REALLY talented. I picked out 3 I thought would work in my home, and I adore all 3. I went with inexpensive Ikea frames because why not. One ended up in my kitchen and it makes me smile every time I pass by it. It is a giclée by Mikel Nilsson called Couch.
The other 2 happened to feature portraits of women, so the only place that seemed to make sense for them was on my living room "chick wall".
The print to the right of the TV is Tender is the Night, a giclée by Lina Ekstrand.
I must add a couple of things at this point. First, my husband has some cord wrangling on his TODO list. Second, see that long black rectangle under the TV? That was one of the presents I bought my husband for Christmas. It is a sound bar, and pretty amazing I must admit - a present I am enjoying immensely as well. :-) Anyway, I had a small vintage Asian cabinet as the TV stand (as seen here) but that bar was too long so my husband whipped this shelving unit up one day over the holidays. I really like it! It's alot less bulky than the last one and doesn't stick out into the room as much - a bonus since this wall is only a small space between the front door and the stairs to the second floor (beyond annoying).
The print to the right is a giclée by Florian Meacci titled Beautiful death.
Reader Comments (13)
Love it! I love an art wall that you can jsut keep adding to.....
WOWWW what a GREAT gallery wall:) I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday and New years.
Today I have apost about curtains :)
Have an AMAZING 2014 guys
LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - Swedish decor,food, and fashion
Love these by the TV and I spy a Sara Moon print! Loves it! art...what a great way to begin 2014. lucky you!
Thanks everyone!
I love your good taste, congratulations!
That couch image is great. Really quirky! I've not heard the name Mikel Nilsson before though - one for me to look up!
Would you be willing to share what your fridge is? I'm looking for a nice flat front one, and yours appears to be pretty flat.
Great art choices!
My husband made a stand like that once too! :)
And you can always stain it if you want it more in a teak-ish tone.
But I don't mind the raw wood.
Thanks for the kind words!
Jes - when I boughtt he fridge 6 years ago I was looking for something sleek and counter-deep. This was it - and I love it. It's by Fisher & Paykel. I highly recommend this brand. My stove is F&P too.
I love your art work too - may I ask are your floors tiled and if so have they been painted? We are stuck with original 1988 floor tiles for the time being and I have heard you can paint floor tiles but was wondering about durability and cleaning etc
Thanks! My flooring is ugly cheap oak hardwood that I painted. I've never painted tile before.
Such a beautiful and lovable interior furnishing and home interior designing!