Monday's pets on furniture
If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, if the photo is dark or fuzzy then it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet! Thanks!
This is our English Bull dog Watson on my DIY Barnboard bed, he's getting to big to lift but we didn't want that to stop him from cozying up on the bed, the solution-stairs!
- Kourtney
This is Cleo, our lone tortie, sitting in a refurbished Eames rocker purchased at the Brooklyn Flea years ago. Cleo also has a second favorite chair, too - an orange Douglas fiberglass chair.
- Jesse & Jason (Brooklyn, NY)
This is Vida. She's our 10 year-old black lab, Australian shepherd, pit bull and husky. She is not allowed on the couch, but she snuck up there the other day. She appeared very confident and comfortable, so we got some cute pictures!
- Victoria & Monte (San Francisco, CA)
Here are Pompeii, a shelter cat, and my roommate's cat Winston, who was found abandoned as a too tiny kitten on a 115°+ degree day in Phoenix. My chair seems to be their favorite spot all of a sudden, apart or apparently together.
- Emily
Favourite place for my Tom is the kitchen. It's a real gourmand cat! It loves keep an eye on our activities... waiting for a small oversight!
- Paola (Italy)
Reader Comments (16)
At 10 years old, looks like Vida is declaring her rightful turf -! Gosh she looks so comfortable -- I'd just toss a sheet over the sofa and let her enjoy herself. What a gorgeous girl.
Watson! Oh so adorable!
Love Watson's stairs. Why shouldn't he have access to the bed? I mean, his bed, right?!
Watson's little round body, climbing up onto the bed - and then his hopeful, peeking face - SO CUTE!
I love Watson, his stairs and his bed. He makes me smile.
Oh, Vida! Loving her gorgeous colouring!
And the composition of that photograph.
I think that Pompeii and Winston are loving that chair because it is next to the mirror. Kitties love to admire feline beauty- especially their own!
Gotta go with the crowd. Love Watson's cute little tush!
Watch the coffee, Watson! oof!
MPOF always puts a smile on my face (and sometimes a tear in my eye), but this week's post takes the cake!! all great photos!
I am always comforted to see other kitties treating kitchen tables as their own private lounge area! I know I am not alone!
Love them all!
Great photos! And what a hoot Watson is climbing up on the bed. Love it!!
Lucky Watson!
Kourtney! Do you have a blog because your room looks all kinds of awesome and I want to see more!!