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ade architecture

LOVE this renovated home in London designed by ade architecture. Classic from the front with a modern surprise at the back. It's bright, and appears very spacious, with the help of 6 metre high sliding glass panels. SWEET!!

Reader Comments (5)

Don't know how one gets away with it.........those stairs are illegal in the uk.
Love it

20 Feb 2013 | Unregistered Commenterwilobianket

I really do like those types of homes - open, clean and crisp. This is definitely a retreat from the hustle and bustle

20 Feb 2013 | Unregistered Commenterrooth

Sterile house. Sterile garden. Lean and boring design. Floting staircase without a guard rail.....yeh, right.

20 Feb 2013 | Unregistered Commentermish

@ Mish - it is called minimalism and for many people (including myself) it is a calm, tranquil retreat from the chaos of city living. I understand that for many people minimalism seems sterile and uncomfortable - and i respect your opinon in that regard - but your criticism of someone's house and personal taste is far too harsh. The design is good (and thoughtful)... you simply don't like it.... Which is fine - but perhaps your comment could show more respect for other people's taste. There is good in everything if you look for it.

21 Feb 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoshua

I will always love blind stairs like these.

27 Feb 2013 | Unregistered CommenterZuley

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