Monday's pets on furniture
If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, if the photo is too dark or unfocused then it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet! Thanks!
I was thrilled when I found this Buying & Design chair on the street in perfect condition. My cat, Tulip, was also thrilled, as it brings out the color of her eyes quite well.
- Wendy (Brooklyn, NY)
This friendly stray cat wanted to be adopted. Every day, she quietly entered our shop and settled on the main window display furniture, hoping to pass unnoticed. For this reason rarely did she move, up until the closing time when we had to take her out, to her disappointment, but with a small treat. She did eventually win our hearts:-) and the heart of a passing neighbour, who saw her through the window and decided to offer her a home.
- Christianna & Poppy
This is Temperance, our foster failure, announcing her Sofa Princess status. Defiance or not- we couldn't bring ourselves to say goodbye to those ears!
- Brenda
Pet name: Zoey
Pet breed: Vizsla
Furniture: Restoration Hardware Versailles Chair in Black Velvet
- Dora (Austin, Texas)
Toto and Lolav want to take a nap
- Vicky (Mar del Plata, Argentina)
Reader Comments (9)
Thanks for post the pic! Lolav and Toto are good friends and they are the king and queen of the house!
Thanks for posting Temperance! I will try my best not to let it go to her head..
P.S. That Resto Versailles chair is to die for. Zoey trumps Temp's princess rank by a mile (no way would I let her even look at that chair, let alone sit on it ;)
What wonderful pictures. One day I hope to have one to contribute. This week I loved the pictures and story of the adopted kitten. So glad she found a home, but what a delightful window decoration!
Zoey is gorgeous (I am biased though as I also have a Vizsla).
This weekly feature warms my heart and often brings a tear to my eye. Animals are treated so badly in so many places and so many ways, but there are also many people who care, and who welcome animals into their hearts and homes.
What breed is Temperence? Adoreable!!!
Oh those first two kitties! So cute!
All the puppies, too, of course.
I also love this feature. I don't always comment but I almost always take a peek!
Temperance is an American Pit Bull Terrier (and acts nothing like the stereotype that hangs over her goofy little ears). =)
jesse.anne.o, how about another entry from you?