Stalking in the tree tops
High in the tree tops is a house of pavilions poised over Pittwater, north of Sydney. Clinging to the steep slope yet planted firming by poles it is almost like living in a tree house. Reach out and touch the branches if you can. Firmly grounding it all is a stone hearth for chillier times of the year but otherwise it is fold open the walls and be at one with nature. A stunning holiday home or a lucky full time tree change. Yes it is for sale. Want to pool resources and buy that pool with me? Our own little "cottage" at Cottage Point. Link here while it lasts.
Reader Comments (11)
Seriously gorgeous! What a peaceful place.
there is some weird photoshopping going on in those pics.
That's one adult tree house that I want to get my grubby mitts on. Maybe they'll give us a discount? :)
Yes, very lovely, but that must be the MOST un-child friendly house I have ever seen. And it looks like a lot of people have wee-ed in the pool.
I would take it! Love the kitchen dining room.
Can almost feel I'm there - and Cath W, if the kids survive, they'll be strong.
the green pool kind of weirds me out, but the layout is pretty interesting, and i absolutely LOVE all the natural wood. given the lack of screens i'm guessing there's no issues with bugs...
There are windows all around, but only a few screens. Window cleaning must be something. The Green appearance in the Pool are the Green tree reflection of the water. Pool cleaning would also be a daily process specally in the Fall, I'm sure you can imagine. I would think that general mantanance would be huge. I do agree though it sure is pretty.
Une gigantesque cabane dans les arbres et quel luxe de beauté!
If you look carefully at the top couple of photos you can see the fly screens pushed back to the end of the window openings. Also I think the green in the pool is due to yellow pool tiles. At least my neighbour's pool is that colour because of yellow tiles. We don't really have Fall here in native bushland here in Oz. Most of the trees around the house are gum trees and they don't drop their leaves in one big hit like deciduous trees do but they do drop. I'm pretty sure that there would be a plastic pool cover that gets pulled over when no one is home. They've just removed it for the photo shoot. If they didn't have one then they deserve to have to clean out the leaves :) OK thats enough from a nosey know it all Aussie.
P.S. Love the blog ladies!
I would happily share there with you, I'm from the hills, (Vic) but that is one seachange I could be tempted to make. Could even imagine very, vey, carefully mixing some of my rococo bits and pieces, not to mention my shcnauzers! When do we move in? What are we gonna do for income, bearing in mind I'm not very good at earning it..................