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Monday's pets on furniture - part 2

If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet! Thanks!

This is my brother's sweet dog, Hank, on a loveseat that's been in our family since the 80s. It's a simple piece that's been reupholstered at least two times. Many dogs have enjoyed this loveseat.
- Amy

This is Teun on a designer chair. He loved me visiting as he got to do things he's normally not allowed - like climbing on the chair. I loved the chair and really wanted him to pose on it as their colours are very complementary. This image was shot in his very stylish home in the Netherlands (you should see his backgarden!).
- Nynke (Sheffield, England) 

Here are two instagram shots of mine and my roommate's rescues Oliver (little one, hers) and Harvey (larger one, mine). Most of my furniture comes from consignment finds or deeply discounted modern stores. I constructed my headboard from reclaimed wood that survived our old train station fire here in Panama City, FL. The mirror above the bed is a 150 year-old mirror that was given to me by a friend, and had been passed through her family for generations. Also, Harvey and Oliver are best best best friends.
- Desiree 

These are our [now nearly-3 year old Boston Terrier] Ramble and [nearly-11 year old Chow-Pit mix] Rosey.
While taking pictures of our staged house for sale, Ramble [the Boston Terrier] felt his sweet mug would help sell the home quicker and hopped onto our bed. It must've worked, 'cause it sold!
Spending Christmas at my family's [very dog-less, though dog-loved] house in New Jersey the pups snuck up onto the loveseat whilst my parents were very unaware. My sister, however, thought this was most hilarious!

- Alexandra 

In the photograph, Lily is lounging on a Westnofa chair in our 1963 Saint Paul, MN living room. I've tried to snap this photograph on other occasions, but she's an unholy terror and never still enough to catch the shot. I had to sneak up on her, from behind the piano, to get this one...
If readers have any information about the artist "Madden", the signature on the serigraph above the chair, I'd be really grateful to hear it.
- Jacob (Minneapolis)

Mattie's an 11 year old pointer mix and bon vivant. Her preference is the sofa, but she's been known to hop up on chairs. I adopted her six years ago and she's been the matriarch of the household since.
- Bennett (Oklahoma City)

After a lengthy debate discussing the pros and cons of being stuffed with polyester fibre or that of domestic cat treats, Miss Abigail Faith ( formally a Teenage-Run-a-Stray ) relaxes with a panel of colleagues. Seen here on The Koi Bench from Vogue Display. The Valet in the background is also from Vogue Display.
- Lee (King City, Ontario)

This next photo doesn't meet my pets on furniture rules but it's my entry so I'm allowed. :) This is Misty. Misty is a lucky kitty. I thought you might like to read about this former cat of mine and his buddy here

Reader Comments (7)

Thank you for posting "Pets on Furniture" weekly - I love reading and looking at the pictures. And thanks for the lovely story about Misty - she's beautiful!

23 Jul 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClara

love pets on furniture mondays. mattie is quite a lady. love all your pets and all your houses.

23 Jul 2012 | Unregistered Commenterusa

This is one treat we get on mondays :-) it always makes me smile, Misty has beautiful eyes, amazing!

23 Jul 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSilvia

Loving Mattie!

23 Jul 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie

Gorgeous pets in lovely homes! Mattie gets an extra "awwww" as the pointies are close to my heart.

23 Jul 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernadette

ok, confession time! I used to roll my eyes every time pets of furniture appeared: "...phew, not again...", "...ya, ya, ya, cute...", "...this space could be better utilised to showcase some happening interiors..." etc. etc. And today everything changed! I am a reformed, humbled human being, who has fallen hook line and sinker for adorable Teun! What a wee wonder, what a sweetheart! More pets on furniture please! More importantly please forgive me...thanks to Teun I totally get where you're coming from... Thanks Teun! :o)

24 Jul 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAB

Mattie's look of gracious look of ennui is priceless...!

Love them all, every Monday!

24 Jul 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMonika

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