New work from Antonio Martins
An eclectic mix of vintage, industrial and modern pieces defines the latest home by San Francisco interior designer Antonio Martins. Starting with an impressive concrete and steel base in a home designed by Zack de Vito Aarchitecture, Martins has layered not only furnishings and finishes but meaning into the modern decor. Favourites besides the Cassina Cab chairs in the dining room? The fab string of lights hanging through the stairwell and the personal touches like the b&w photos of family and friends casually propped on steel shelves. (More of Antonio Martins' here and here.)
Reader Comments (5)
Awesome prints of the couple in the dinning room. Has anybody seen them available on0line??
What is that huge red round thing above the sofa? I am in love with his work, so fresh.
I liked the black and white touches he has given to the decor
Really beautiful, I liked the chandelier, the wall art and outdoor decoration the most. Its so refreshing and beautiful. Thanks for sharing this lovely design idea. :)
That string of bulbs down the stairwell is awesome ;)