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z axis design

z axis design is an architecture firm based in Toronto that I recently discovered whose work is impressive. Their kitchens are gorgeous, their cabinetry is divine and I absolutely adore the front entrance that blends seamlessly with the outdoors - SO COOL! 

Reader Comments (6)

Entryway is nice but the rest is 'same ol', same ol'': kinda bland and uninspiring. Do people really want to spend time in a room where the most interesting thing to look at is a fruitbowl under a spot light?

27 Jun 2012 | Unregistered Commentercath w

Green design become more and more popular now.Simplicity and natural material-the best solution for a comfort living. I like it.

27 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNatalia

fabulous! i really am wow'd by the interior. thanks for sharing. happy day.

27 Jun 2012 | Unregistered Commentercabbagerose

Hmmm. This one reminds me of a sci-fi movie from the seventies, where a family moves into a "modern" house and all the appliances trap them there and try to kill them. Not really my idea of inviting.

28 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAdriene

Generally, I'm all for minimalism but this leaves me cold.

4 Jul 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthecitygourmand

The views from the windows are great but I feel sorry for the neighbors, this house makes theirs look like a big garden shed.

15 Aug 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjohnm

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