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Modern pearl

In the exclusive costal enclave of Pearl Beach north of Sydney is a fabulous modern take on the beachside holiday home. I am real estate stalking amongst the trees just back from shore. This family home is relaxed and stylish without relying too much on the coastal cliché. A muted sandy palette, floors forgiving of trekked in sand and grubby kids and dogs, swim suit friendly spots to collapse in after a hard day in the surf and a roof top spa and hang out that is seriously giving me a case of envy. If this was my holiday home I'd be moving into it all year round ... just have to find the money to buy it. Link here while it lasts.

Reader Comments (14)

When can I move in?

22 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLuce

All what comes to my head is a quotation from a badge "Che was a murderer you trendy douchebag". I hate it when people use images of murderers as a part of an interior design, Che, Mao, Hitler, Stalin or others, they killed like thousands and millions, it's not 'trendy' or anything.

22 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSheepy


22 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCollectingDesignIN

I am constantly amazed at these beautiful houses with incredible details save one. Why cannot anyone design a bathroom shower with shelving for shampoo, etc? Why is that so hard? The shower in this house is it's undoing. Shampoo on a stool? Come on!

22 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeidi

Airy, stylish, welcoming and practical. Love how the used every little corner to accommodate & invite people to sit and stay (like the use of the short exterior wall that they turned into a bench).

That's the positive.

On the other hand I agree with Sheepy's comment above that folks could give a bit more thought to what kind of pop art they hang on their walls & the message it sends (let alone how it can make others feel offended/uncomfrotable).

In the newest issue of Elle Decor Sandra Lee's house boasts a huge black and white pic of one of Jim Morrison's several police booking shots. Bad ass is great...The Doors' music is beyond cool...but I wonder how she explains glamorizing a life of drugs to her kids.

I am sure there are still many folks who agree with Che Guevara's ideology, which goes hand in hand with Fidel Castro's.

Personally, I find it amusing that someone, like the owner of this gorgeous home--who is clearly a capitalist at heart, has a large scale pic of the Che front and center.

Oh, the ever thought-provoking art. Cheers to that! Sorry, long comment, just had coffee :)

22 Jun 2012 | Unregistered Commenterpam

A very expensive house in an "exclusive coastal enclave" with a poster of Che Guevara on the wall. Ridiculous, ironic and offensive.

22 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLin

Okay, admitted, I laughed at the Che pic -- and I'm militantly socialist. After all, you have to have a sense of humor. Oddly enough, my favorite part was the driveway. Any kid would have a blast playing there.

23 Jun 2012 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Sheepy, indeed. Did Che Guevara kill "like thousands" or "like millions"? Do you even know who he was. I hate knee-jerk political reactions and oversimplified ideological lumping of everyone together. Che Guevara was nothing like Hitler or Stalin or Mao. I mean really. You should LIKE do your research.

Lovely home by the way. But I was struck by the Che poster being in a posh house in an exclusive neighborhood.

One of Che's best quotes was about standing in solidarity with another involving taking the same risks as that someone. The owners of this place obviously aren't out fighting the good fight among the common folk.

23 Jun 2012 | Unregistered Commenterannab

I am glad other people noticed the same I did: a home whose owners proudly display pictures of murderers like Che Guevara looses immediately any claim to “stylishness”. By the way, the same applies to those Warhol-esque pictures of the repulsive Mao Zedomg. Why not Hitler, for a change? He was thoroughly modern, socialist, and comes with impeccable murder credentials.

24 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFG

J"adore les baies vitrées et leur système d'ouverture. Et puis la terrasse est magnifique.

Che, seriously? Disgusting.

25 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLes

Those dining chairs are a bit too much

26 Jun 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthecitygourmand

Love it all - except the menacing picture of Che Guevara. I mean, really, is that necessary?! Sometimes I wonder what goes through people's minds (if anything at all) to destroy a perfect outlook with an undertone of bad vibe. That said, the outdoor jacuzzi has me in a swizzle - I want to be there. The first thing I would do in that house though is take down that horrendous picture though - please. What next? Pictures of Hitler?

27 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAngelica

This house is great, excellent , i love it..

5 Jul 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJeddy

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