Prue Ruscoe part 2
Couldn't contain my admiration for Prue Ruscoe's work to just one post. I had to overindulge in more fabulous photos. You too?
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kitchen remodel in my last house
my twin sister's mostly kid's rooms decor blog
Couldn't contain my admiration for Prue Ruscoe's work to just one post. I had to overindulge in more fabulous photos. You too?
Reader Comments (10)
Goodness I really want that hand holding the key! Colours in the first room are incredible!
Fabulous work. I love the use of vintage items, but also that he uses a neutral shell and then adds the right touch of colour and natural elements to give the spaces character. Lovely.
Oh my gosh, thanks for sharing. I'm obsessed now and will be stalking this photographer from now on!
Im not a fan of neutral - I could take it or leave it. It turns out, I'm just not attracted to clean, tidy, tucked-in neutral. I love old, worn neutral. In other words, I have been converted; I am no longer neutral! Ruscoe has the most amazing sense of balance in her images.
a purple and teal blue obsession:[]=tags&q=purple+teal+blue
Just curious about something on this blog. I often see photographers credited for many of the posts I see here. And not to diminish the photographers contribution, but it seems we're all oohing and awwing over what the interior stylist has done. When I see a space like this that I find to so gorgeous, my first thought is "Who put this together?", not "Who photographed this?" I understand that stalking a particular photographers website will lead one to a lot of gorgeous interior shots, just wondering why the stylists name is not at the top of the post. Hope I'm not coming off as rude. Just trying to understand.
Hi Adrienne. No you are not being rude. We have answered this question many times on the blog. We credit the site where we get the photos from on the internet. If it is a photographer's and a stylist is mentioned then we also mention the stylist. If it is stylist's site and they mention the photographer we will include the photographer too. Most sites unfortunately do not provide any information so we will have no idea who the other collaborators are. We would love it if they did because we would cite say the stylist as well then rush over to their website as a source for another post on the blog. In this case I mentioned in the post just before this that Prue often works with stylist Shannon Fricke (they are a well known stylist/photographer duo here in Australia) but I am unsure which of these photos they worked together on and if there are other stylists involved as the website did not elaborate.
There are some amazing pieces of furniture in these rooms! That bookshelf unit full of magazines is stunning, not to mention the small writing desk in the second picture! Beautiful. Does anyone know where I can source a desk like that here in Melbourne?
Thanks for the response Jo! Hope this wasn't the question that everyone asks a thousand times. ;)
A good photographer is an unnoticed photographer. It's like being a drummer -- you get the occasional flashy bit, but your job is to support what's in front of you. The worst thing that can happen to a house photographer is to be dinged as intrusive; use so much light nothing is visible, or produce a flat image for the 'style', try to impress by bending the mood into something other than what the setting will support, or cutting awkward visual lines so that rather than seeing the image, we're left saying, "Is the lightswitch the focal point? or the dog's tail?"
Ruscoe does excellent work; it's calm, evening out the extremes, and it captures a sense of depth and texture. She has a good eye for balance.