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Paul Kariouk

Paul Kariouk is a well-known architect here in Ottawa and I figured it was about time I blog his work (plus, a reader emailed regarding his work - check it out after the jump). His creativity is inspiring and the homes he has designed are stunning works of art. 

The kitchen below, located in the Glebe home of Carol Sutherland-Brown & Ted Willis, was submitted to us by their daughter Marisa. She says her parent's met Paul at a party and after getting him on board to come up with designs for their awkwardly closed off kitchen, they now have the perfect open-plan kitchen that is ideal for entertaining and showing off Ted's artwork

Reader Comments (4)

That last transformation is gorgeous! Maybe I've been looking at too many budget redos, but that kitchen is a great reminder of why it can be worth it to spend the money.

7 Mar 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

What a wonderful home. Love the gorgeous lines and the modern architecture. With windows like these, you almost feel as though you are sitting outdoors...stunning!!

7 Mar 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdesignchic

That's perfect metamorphosis, especially the wooden kitchen!

8 Mar 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAga

Why is Architecture just design for rich friends? Huge budgets and lacking character

21 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJen

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