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Broder Frauenglass Interiors

We received the following sweet email the other day from Neil: I wanted to share some new design work with you that my mom and I collaborated on. Mom and I started doing interiors together a few years ago after causally helping one of my friends with her new apartment in Manhattan. We received some word of mouth referrals since then and have been doing projects ever since. I have a full-time job in advertising, but the design business with mom is my true outlet for creativity. And I love that design has had the power to bring my mom and I together as adults. The partnership challenges each of our aesthetics and allows us both to grow and evolve creatively. It’s been an amazing, unexpected journey. Now how cute is that?! Totally made my day. Here are some spaces designed by this mother/son duo as Broder Frauenglass Interiors, including Neil's own apartment (the first 4). 


Reader Comments (19)

Not a fan of this old-lady style. And that nursery room is the most boring, non-stimulating room for impressionable babies/toddlers.
But I guess these look good to others -- so I might as well shut up.

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

...oh and I've always hated those stuffy/curvy sofas and curly/dried-up branches.
OK, shut up I will...

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

I like the cozy dining room, and the giraffe pic in the nursery is adorable. These spaces are a bit more safe than I am used to seeing here, but they are certainly pretty.

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commenterchrista

Anyone could walk into these rooms and instantly know the people who live there - so as interior decoration, it's very successful. You can see all the modern decisions and touches that come across as edgy and bold when they're ridiculously high-end and stark, but here, they've been calmed down by sheer force of numbers into classic, middle-class Americana. I like it. These aren't rooms you're going to misbehave in! Reliable, responsible people with 'taste' want beautifully put-together homes too, you know, and when it comes with a touch of 1950's glamour offset with just a hint of cool, I like it a lot.

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterOregonbird

I didn't particularly like the living room with the striped sofas but I liked the rest of it...

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

I like the photos from his own apartment best
I others have said, it's all a bit safe, but there's no harm in that....the shot with the black edged boxes and the draftsman's table and the wool plaid curtains...oh my! Lovely.

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commenterrose

looks like something my mom would like

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChris

Well, I like these rooms. No stark white. Warm, cozy, inviting are words that come to my mind. And I surely would like them to counsel me for my home.

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLoulou Ste-Adele

Although I find the rooms here not to my taste I welcome the return of the oh-so-90s beige scheme (no sarcasm, seriously).

PS - how hilarious are the karate chopped cushions!

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commentertyson

I LOVE the nursery!

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLola

pinned some of these... thanks! :)

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkatie

Beautiful work....heritage & talent can form an unbeatable design challenge to the mediocre....stay the course and you will be
hughly successful....BW

These are beautiful and serene. I love all of them including the neutral colors with black and gold.

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLGSW

There is nothing "old lady" about this style. It is just pure good taste in the traditional style. We all know good taste doesn't date - so well done Broder Fraenglass.

8 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkatrina

The two cribs are adorable. That's a really cool collab between family members as well!

9 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commenterrooth

The first pics give some leeway for masculine comfort, but you have to admit that the sofa pics, and to a lesser degree the three after, are very much geared toward the classic mature feminine!

9 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterOregonbird

This is a terrific example of great collaboration. It shines through in the work this Mom/Son team do together. The Nursery color choices are wonderful. I'd love to see more of Broder Frauenglass Interiors.

This is a style that will not age... because it's already dated.
It's the color scheme, the accessories, the curvy sofas, the "karate-chopped" cushions (thanks tyson)...
The space in the first photo has potential, minus the table accessories and pillows.

9 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBurundi

These are beautiful spaces. The designers obviously understand that a masterful play of palette and scale in an interior creates a stimulating, but liveable space for their client's to enjoy...not a stage set that's more novelty than true style. Lovely.

9 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commentergc

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