I came across the portfolio of Brazilian interior architect and designer Diego Revollo and was immediately drawn to this apartment (apparently owned by a stylist). I love the funky, dramatic vibe and I'm a huge fan of BIG BOLD artwork. Although in this case it's....all boobs. To each their own I guess. I would never be able to have my little nieces and nephews (or my parents?) over without feeling totally awkward. But I do admire their collection. Very cool stuff (especially the piece - a macramé Mona Lisa? - hanging over the bed).
Reader Comments (14)
Thanks for making me laugh out loud on a dreary day in New England.
Well, the dog is fully dressed. And that's a pretty anodyne bunch of boobs!
I imagine waking up with a hangover, or on a bad hair/feeling fat/feeling old day and being confronted by room upon room of perky, assertive boobs.
Wow, I have a huge crush on that coffee table! <3<3<3
That's one very sexy apartment! Not sure if I'd like to live here with a boyfriend though - a bit disconcerting, all that flesh... Otherwise I think it's crammed with beautiful furniture and objects.
I'm totally down with boobs, but about half of the "knocker" photos are a bit disturbing! Not-fully-lucid-looking women being acted upon by fully-suited men? I think we just got a disturbing look into the psyche of this stylist! (Otherwise I like the haute eclectic look!)
These images are not about "boobs." They are profoundly fetishistic: emotionally distant men in armour and the vulnerable, naked women who serve them.
Hmmm ... I had an inkling that most people would comment on the wall art. I am a guy and was not that much drawn in by it. But I noticed the "savory" decor details that made me salivate e.g. the black and white mosaic dresser.
I love the place. It's classy, sexy and fun.
The photos are about power and surrender, it's sensual and I wouldn't mind living with my husband in a place like this. This kind of nudity doesn't bother me (I've experienced that kind of kinky scenario with my husband...).
Owner of this pad is trying way too hard. (Touch of inferiority complex going on?) Must have a red Ferrari chambered somewhere too.
I've no problem with nudity but fully dressed men with naked women is boring and overdone. Fail in an otherwise interesting space.
Replace the nude artwork with similar size art work and color pallette and it'd still work; the nudity just undermines how beautifully placed the home furniture are..
Does somebody know the photographer of the photos? I love the one with the cup in front of the boob!
I love that one too virginia! Unfortunately I don't know the photographer.