Monday's pets on furniture
If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy then it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet! Thanks!
this is my sweet little Dante, an italian greyhound pup. He loves good design and sunbathing on his favourite Bertoia.
- Juan (Barcelona)
This photo was taken about six years ago of my greyhound, Ender the only time he ever got on my sofa! He never even tried to get on my sofa and he was such a gentleman. So I had to take a photo. Apparently he used to get on the sofa of his babysitter at her house and it was OK. This was my very first sofa and I don't have it or much of the furniture in the photo anymore. But I wanted to post this because early Thanksgiving morning last week, I had to send my sweet (13-1/2 year old) Ender to the Rainbow Bridge. He was the gentlest, sweetest loyal spirit I have ever known.
- Sparky
His name is hank. 7 months old. Adler pillow. Modernica easy chair.
- Michael (Ottawa)
This is Walter, our 5-year-old bearded collie/terrier mix (?) who loves to sit here by the radiator and watch the squirrels. He is sitting on an antique stool, covered in a sheepskin to protect it.
- Sarah (Massachusetts)
Here is Sadie the Boston Terrier resting on a vintage arm chair we found at a local thrift store. There are no markings on the chair and we would love to know more about it!
- Lindsay (Skippack, PA)
The attached photo is of our dog Molly, a chihuahua/terrier cross and she is sitting on our lovely chaise also known as Molly's bed.
- Robin (Victoria, BC)
The first photo is of Olivia sleeping in our bowl from AREA on top of our Ikea shelving unit. The second photo is of Olivia next to our crystal Atlantis liquor bottles.
- Teresa (Lisbon, Portugal)
This is a picture of my sweet little Lucy posing for the camera atop her throne.
- George (Alabama)
this is my boyfriends dog Ax, 1,5 year old Jack Russell Terrier. We do not allow him to be on a furniture, so I send you a picture of him in front my grandmas old vintage chair :) We love old, new design & our cute dog :))))
- Andreja (Slovenia)
Please meet Rose, my parents' persian cat, first lounging on the ottoman, and second trying to relax in a filing box a bit too small for her. Rose is the sweetest cat I've ever known. (Please note the awesome bookcase in the background of the first picture, entirely made by my handyman of a father of whom I am so proud!).
- Audrey (Montréal)
Reader Comments (8)
Oh, dearest Ender ... how you were loved.
Great group of pets on furniture this week! Every single one made me smile, including Ender. All dogs go to Heaven!
FANTASTIC PICS! Beautiful pets! Dante is one handsome Italian. Dear, sweet Ender looked like quite a classy gent. Molly looks like a sweetie. I think all Lindsay needs to know about the chair is that it is Sadie's. Hank is good lookin' dude. Walter, what can I ya man! I suspect that Ax only follows the no furniture rule when his parents are home.
Theyy're all great! I love pets on furniture!
loving the picture of the ever so gentle Ender. Can't think of anything more difficult. what a handsome & i suspect completely adored loved one. so sorry
This post makes my tuesday morning at work so much lighter and easier to take. I get 'Mondays' pets on furniture on a Tuesday because I'm in Australia, sometimes I find it late Monday night if I'm working in the wee hours.
It's so nice to see so many people that have a love of Animals and Design, I think they work together tremendously!
Thanks for sharing! : )
So very sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing the lovely photo of Ender.
Ha! The two cats sitting in things too small reminds me of those photos called "if it fits....I sists." So very cute! All of them, the cats and the dogs and the furniture too. I SOOOOO look forward to this post when I get in on Tuesday mornings. Thanks so much! (4 days and a wake up till I am back home in the Nation of Texas for Christmas! WOOT WOOT!)
Lovely, as always.