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Friday eye candy

I thought we could all use some gorgeous interior eye candy to lead us into this hectic pre-holiday weekend (and for those in the Ottawa area, 40 cm of snow!! AAAGGGHHH!!!!). The following photos are from the always fabulous MilK magazine.

Reader Comments (2)

Newspaper walls are calling me (I think the shiny sleigh beds aren't quite right). I've got to say, I'm more convinced every day that kitchens should come equipped with not-my-business field generators. Or, possibly more economically, be decorative blanks bunked up against a wall and abandoned. Ohh, like that! I really do like visually de-emphasizing the kitchen to a solid counter. Storage off-premises, or at least in a bunker with a hidden door, I assume.

21 Dec 2012 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

really inspiring interior eye candy. love these! x

29 Dec 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJesse

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