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Monday's pets on furniture

If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy then it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet! Thanks!

This is Madalena (also known as Madalove) sitting in her favorite armchair, besides my brand new Saarinen side table! She was found on the streets some years ago, looking for some love and some food... now she is the cutest dog I have ever known!
- Helena

We just got a new sectional that we're thrilled with. Apparently our cats, Dexter and Lily, are too. In the pic our boy cat Dexter is in his "bird cat nest" we created out of a chenille blanket. He loves it. Lily loves sitting on our window bench because the heater is underneath it.
- Tony

Meet Tulsa (aka the princess). I met her the other day while photographing a friend's home. Of all the places to sit in the house, she of course sits on the fur and also where the light would hit her just right for her close-up. Her father is very proud of his girl! 
- Marcia (Los Angeles, California)

Thanks for the post! I also saw your post on the Pets on Furniture and thought I would send you this too! He wandered into our photoshoot.
- James (Toronto)

This is my border collie/spaniel mix, Griffin, on my Ikea Karlstad sectional. He coordinates so well with my Ikea pillow I had to get a shot. Special guest appearance by Shadow the housecat, upset by Griffin moving in on her  back-of-the-couch sunshine.
- Christine (Ottawa, ON)

This is my miniature schnautzer Gala, 3 years old.
- Nina (Croatia)

This is my four years old cat Diniz in my sitting-room.
- Pedro (Portugal)

This is Sally, our 2 1/2 year old rescue dalmatian. In the first picture she is NOT on the sofa! Two paws are on the floor! In the second, she poses on her favorite rug.
- Beth (New Orleans, LA)

I love your "Monday's pets" so I decided to send you pics of my Hugo. He is having one of his winter lazy days, which means that he is going to spend much of the day in this papasan, not willing to move or even play.Obviously he doesn't like my camera, but is too lazy to leave.
- Kate 

Reader Comments (6)


Lots of warm fuzzies in this one:)

17 Dec 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKarenJ

So many great expressions...! Love Mondays.

17 Dec 2012 | Unregistered CommenterStar

I recognize Tulsa from the Robert Harbour home tour on Apartment Therapy. Know that pretty face anywhere!

17 Dec 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHolland

These are great photos! The third shot of Tulsa is fantastic. Look how the light is coming through her ears! I love the Dalmatian on the zebra rug too -- she blends in so well, you might step on her.

17 Dec 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClaudia

This MadaLove is the cutest dog i've ever seen, whatta lovely look! Congrats!

18 Dec 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMarcelo

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