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Iphigénie Soldatos

Iphigénie Soldatos is an architect based in Paris whose website I came across recently. I was immediately taken with the European feel to her projects and admittedly experienced some heart palpitations when I came across the photos that included decidedly modern spaces with vintage gilded portraits as artwork - one of my absolute favourite unexpected combinations. I leave you with some eye candy to take you into the weekend. TGIF!

Reader Comments (4)

Love Iphigenie's style (and her name!) and the antique portrait, too. Just put this gorgeous guy in my shop (MIX Vintage) yesterday, coincidentally. It's always a thrill to see a fresh, edgy vintage modern mix, thanks! Michele

16 Nov 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMichele

Love these big spacious rooms with the unapologetic artworks - that apartment with the big lightwell is so enticing, I just want to oo and spend a weekend with the owners. Wonder if they'd mind?

17 Nov 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMadonnaofCoogee

Lots of grown-up fun in those rooms. The distant murmur of a Venice Carnivale? Rooms in slow motion, in whiteface and rococo costumes. But I turn into Faye Dunaway over the windows: "No. More. Wire. Hangers!" No more tin blinds! Interesting, expensive rooms -- and white apartment blinds waiting for a cat to rattle. A few of those rooms, you could bung out the furniture -- even the artwork! /gasp! no! NOT the artwork!/ and just leave me alone with the floors. Mmm... nice floors...

18 Nov 2012 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

I really don't like Iphigenie's style, because there is no style, no personnality, it's just Ikea style, so banal.
So pretentious person. No creativity, she does not listen hers customers. Very disappointed

19 Dec 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlban

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