Milly de Cabrol
Milly de Cabol is an Italian interior designer currently living in New York City (and that's her living room above). I admire her eclectic, somewhat classic style of decorating that produces chic, understated yet elegant environments. The refreshing blends of textures and colours add alot of depth and keeps her spaces from being too serious.
Reader Comments (2)
Right up my street, love her style.
..... and yet, Kim, I absolutely adore this as well. This place seems to be the opposite of the post on Gray by Jo. I adore the bursts of color, combined with large amounts of white. Especially love the first pic where the color is in the sofa and rug, and then there are white paintings on white walls. I love this place. I think I need more than one home to satisfy my DADD (design attention deficit disorder).