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An apartment in Israel

Maya Bickson, an interior designer from Israel, emailed us some photos and details of an apartment she designed.This is a 3-bedroom garden apartment. It was completely restructured and redesigned. I enlarged the public area of the apartment to make the apartment look much bigger and lighter. I did it by moving the kitchen to the room adjacent to the living room and joining the two rooms together, and canceling a closet-room, which gave space to the dining area. The owners are a young & cool couple, with no fear of color, and they have a collection of beautiful objects. The design is quite eclectic as you can see. Modern with touches of vintage (the light-blue door to the home-office is an old door which was colored, and an old-style glass fixed to it. The tiles in the main bathroom are classic moroccon tiles), classics (Eames lounge chair), romance (in colors, floral patterns). A lot of thought was given to details, such as the blackboard in the kitchen with the white clock, the round window between the bath and the desk near the dining table, the brick wall in the kitchen, etc. All the furniture was designed and custom made. The round library was spotted by the couple in a design magazine and built for them here. It's quite an impressive transformation - made obvious thanks to some before photos. (More details here in Maya's blog post). 

Reader Comments (4)

That wooden shelving is genius!

29 Oct 2012 | Unregistered Commenterthecitygourmand

I love seeing how people live in other places. I don't like neon colors; there's no way I could live with the color of those cabinets, but this is a neat use of a small space.

31 Oct 2012 | Unregistered CommenterC. E. Bahnsen

I'm really liking that bookcase.

3 Nov 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHelen

WHERE can I get one of those amazing round bookcases? LOVING that thing! Please share a link or source name. Thanks!

18 Nov 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary G.

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