The great Australian dream ...
There is something in the Australian psyche, a primordial urge to own the quarter acre block with house or the ultimate dream ... to own a pub. Yes, yes there is that crusty old joke about the perfect girlfriend and her father who owns a pub but given half a chance to daydream huge chunks of the Australian population would own up to harbouring a fantasy that involves a country pub and retiring to be "mine host". Here is the next best thing. An old pub converted to gallery, shops, restaurant and apartment above in the beautiful spa town of Daylesford, Victoria. I'm packing my bags. I'm off to live my fantasy. Pub owner without the pub. Just have to find the cash to front up for this fantasy. Real estate stalking with a glass of wine in my hand can be dangerous for the wallet. Link here while it lasts.
Reader Comments (5)
I'll race you for it. How completely perfect!
i move back to australia in two weeks from living in london for five years! i can't get home soon enough & you just made the feeling ever so stronger!! xx
Beautifully livable living space. Sure wish I could make the move to Australia work. Got too much at stake here at the moment. :o/
I can't see how people who are browsing the gallery are prevented from climbing the stairs and taking a stroll through the residence...
As a fellow Australian reader here on Desire To Inspire, I loved this post. I always enjoy your posts Jo!