i love your "favourites" series. you find such incredible rooms. and i love these offices, especially the greer, crolla, mercer and william waldron interiors. they look like real workspaces, with papers and books and lots of "stuff" that's been dealt with and organized. so often, design blogs and magazines show beautiful offices, but the awkward (real) stuff doesn't make it into the shot -- no computer, no cords, no wastebasket, no speakers, no sub-woofer. (sorry -- i know how boring i must sound). as a work-at-home writer, i deal with a spaghetti bowl of electrical cords, speaker wires, phone chargers, printer cables, lamp cords (electrical cords are the bane of my existence, actually!). plus paper and files and all that junk. i'm organized -- but it isn't always pretty. any more pix that show how a designer handles the drudge problems of a home office would be hugely and forever appreciated...and inspiring, too! thanks! :)
Reader Comments (4)
Could you call it 'work' if you sat in any of these wonderful home offices?! If so, do any of these home-owners need a new colleague?!
Look forward to these posts everyday! I love these workspaces!
OMG the James Greer image is to die for! Happy New Year girls!
i love your "favourites" series. you find such incredible rooms. and i love these offices, especially the greer, crolla, mercer and william waldron interiors. they look like real workspaces, with papers and books and lots of "stuff" that's been dealt with and organized. so often, design blogs and magazines show beautiful offices, but the awkward (real) stuff doesn't make it into the shot -- no computer, no cords, no wastebasket, no speakers, no sub-woofer. (sorry -- i know how boring i must sound). as a work-at-home writer, i deal with a spaghetti bowl of electrical cords, speaker wires, phone chargers, printer cables, lamp cords (electrical cords are the bane of my existence, actually!). plus paper and files and all that junk. i'm organized -- but it isn't always pretty. any more pix that show how a designer handles the drudge problems of a home office would be hugely and forever appreciated...and inspiring, too! thanks! :)