Glass house
Dreaming of a glass box overlooking water. Anchored by stone and garden. Filled with mid century treasure and art. White and bright. Restrained and curated but bold in its transparency. Strong and fragile. Dream come true. Fishers Island House by New York architects Thomas Pfifer and Partners.
Reader Comments (7)
Hmmmm. Nice place to visit (?like a museum?) but I wouldn't want to live there. I like me some walls around me.
Very reminiscent to me of Philip Johnson's New Canaan CT house. I basically live in a fish bowl myself so I wouldn't have much of an issue with transparency
My problem is that I'm not a huge fan of the sun...I am always shutting blinds like a faux vampire. It would be amazing for a vacay spot.
This is so me. I love mid-century married with glass. I would move here in a heart beat. I wonder if the glass is changeable to black out? I know the technology is there.
The landscape seems to be the most impressive part of this project. Any idea who the LANDSCAPE Architect is?
What the overhang is made of?
when is modern not modern? when it takes more than it's fair share of non renewable resources to heat and cool. all that glass, on fisher's island no less, just imagine the utility bills, not to mention the upkeep.