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Reader request - bookshelf vignettes

Today's reader request is from Eva in Toronto: I was wondering if you could perhaps provide some inspiration on how to decorate and style some build-in units in a main living space? I would love to see how others around the world have filled these spaces with treasures/books/objects d'art so that I can do the same in my home. Simple enough request, but sometimes quite a daunting task to get vignettes looking just right. I constantly change items on display in my house as I am never happy with them and get bored quick. Observing how others display objects can help us rethink how our own pieces are used. For example, I have a bunch of spray painted black vases (leftover from my wedding) on some shelving, and I took a wide/short vase and stuck 2 skinny/tall vases in it. I have a stack of about 8 books on the same shelving, standing upright with the tallest at the back and shortest at the front that way you get a peek at the cover of each book (seen here). Hopefully the following group of photos help to inspire Eva's built-in displays.

all about you
Hus & Hem
Jen Fong
MH Studio
Freunde von Freunden
David Jimenez
Living Etc.

Domino Domino
vtwonen Lili Diallo
Katrine Martensen-Larsen RUM
Design*Sponge Decor Demon
Piet Boon The Selby
Freunde von Freunden The Selby

Reader Comments (13)

Please tell me that first image from Lonny is intended as a "before" picture.

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLin

Great shots, most inspirational. I love your flicker photo too by the way. I have the exact same picture from Heaven's to Betsy!

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOttawa alternagrrrl

Gorgeous eye candy! I have a passion for books, shelves and objects of art. Some of these examples are so beautiful they take my breath away.

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJones

This is my favourite post this week! I love ALL these bookshelves!

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrooth

brilliant...nothing like a goregous bookshelf. have a good weekend.

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commentercabbagerose

I would add Emily Henderson's portfolio to this list of inspiration ( She has an effortless style that comes off as both lived-in and intentional and has several examples of bookshelves you can look at.

There are also some helpful "rules" on how to arrange and experiment with styling here:

I think the most important thing to remember is to experiment, experiment, experiment!

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJen from insideways

Kim, I love this post! Thanks for so many examples. This is always a problem for me, I get bored quickly too. Add to that that I love beautiful things, but also love sparseness. My favorite display is the one by Jen Fong.

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpeggy

Love that these look "real" and not staged. I've wanted to reorganize my bookshelves by color of book binding, but it took me 2 full days just to unpack all the books when I moved in. I don't have the will to redo them.

23 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commenterchrista

My bookshelves are grouped roughly by colour. It looks great. Also it's a nice idea to mix things up when displaying books and stack some horizontally too.

Thank you so much for meeting my request! It's so great to see so many different ways to impart personality onto those shelves. I am renewed with inspiration! Thank you also to Jen from insideways for the additional links. I'm off to experiment in my living room ; )

24 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEva (Toronto)

aww bookshelves!! Designers best friend! Love this post!

24 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaya

Awesome! Great inspiration!

8 Oct 2011 | Unregistered Commenterladystapler

Oh, fabulous post! I've linked it to mine today on bookshelves, for inspiration!

30 Jan 2012 | Unregistered CommenterInspire Me Heather

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