The Shed
A teeny tiny almost derelict shed. Some imagination and foresight. Lots of talent. One amazing small space home and an award winning Australian renovation. The Shed by Richard Peters Associates via the Houses Awards. Good things do come in small packages.
Reader Comments (14)
nice, clean, simple - love it!!!
Oh Wow! I could live like that!
Gr8 work! How big is it?
I would love to live in a place like that!
Does anybody know the model/manufacturer of that sofa?
Wow, it is so sweet! I'll wrap that up in a bow and take it, please. xo
wait a minute! it's 20 times bigger on the inside than the outside! is some strange harry potter magic at work here?
I love how this renovation is essentially just two simple gestures; a new courtyard and the addition of a mezzanine level, yet all of a sudden it's a transformed from a dingy shed into beautiful and livable house. Love it! I wish it was mine! Although (at the risk of sounding like my mum) I do wonder if it gets a bit cold in there without any insulation in the ceiling?
Now, renovations like this make me swoon!! From dumpy to delightful! Really nice work.
just love it!
Where do you get the sawhorse desk? Those sawhorses are gorgeous.
now THIS is amazing!
YES!!! Well done. Great partitioning, fantastic light, feelgood simplicity and nice materials. Even though I hate glastables for dining... ("cheers! your beerbottles, friends!" noisy&uncomfortable for having any kind of drink that is not served in "..." plastic. Don't they even make wine in Australia? In my life coasters are only allowed at homes from historians) ...I understand and visually like the glastable here as it keeps the space open. Not worth talking about the other interior - great collection. Shed, you got me.
This is a grand design in a very small space- it certainly inspires one to de-clutter your environment and make room for possibilities~