I came across the architectural and interior design firm of Arkhefield recently and discovered they are based in Brisbane, Jo's neck of the woods. They are a very talented group of designers who seem to be able to take relatively normal plots of land in residential 'hoods and turn them into marvelous masterpieces. The exteriors of these homes are really something else.
Reader Comments (12)
like i needed more reasons to immediately run away to australia. thanks A LOT!
Gorgeous! Although that first pic - who wants to have all that open views to the urban blight next door?
I wish good Architecture was as commonplace in Canada as it is in Australia.
wc|gs - I feel the SAME WAY.
So many sliding doors- it's great!
I am originally from Brisbane (currently living in SF) and while the first house is an beautiful design, it is not built to consider its surroundings (which look like Brisbane). Imagine living in a neighobourhood full of beautiful old Queenslanders and then having this home built right to your property boundary and towering over your home. There are many planning problems in Brisbane, and who can blame the owner for doing what they were allowed, but it doesn't make it right, unfortunately. Jo might have an interesting opnion on this, considering her older style of home and knowlegde of Brisbane? Would be interesting. Oh, and trust me, for every good architect in Brisbane, there is one that designs ugly multi-unit dwellings that are becoming a blight on Australian cities... Again, Jo would know!
Lovely modern shapes. Does that kitchen have a mini grill? I think I need to get me a little one of those! Also, really loving the white and clear televisions. I'm having visions of more of those in our future. :)
that first house ---- i bet all the neighbors hate them.
it's a really cool house, but ... location, location, location.
LOVE the architecture, can't use the love word for the furniture.
That white rectangular fireplace is amazing!
mrsbrennan07 - I couldn't agree more. There are too many of these happening, here around Paddington especiallly. Gutting Queenslanders of all their beautiful original features, jacking them up to ridiculous heights and extending them to the fenceline in all directions (in complete disregard of the neighbouring properties, the look of the street and the architectural integrity of the area). I don't understand why people buy lovely historic houses if they want to live in something enormous, slick & modern.
Great homes and great designs. Sure it might not fit in with the surrounding houses but if you don't want a Queenslander but want to live near the city there is no land to build all these modern homes.
Actually, as an Australian I feel I can say boo - shame, and as Prince Charles would say, it's an enormous dreadful carbuncle.
Architecture by committee (let's throw EVERYTHING into this one !) is the design philosophy evidently.
And yes, Kim it's "really something else" nudge nudge, wink wink, barf barf.
If there is a redeeming feature it's that this eyesore is in Brisbane - and gladly we're not !