Monday's pets on furniture - part 1
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)
This is our 2 basset hounds who couldn't resist but to get in the way of a picture of our bedroom my wife was taking.
- Morgan (Newport Beach, CA)
My Australian Cattle Dog mix, Bailey, enjoying a relaxing afternoon on the couch in Carrboro, North Carolina.
- Kim
Biggie the pug loves coming to G-ma’s on summer vacation spending the day lounging.
- Cheri (Cumberland Beach, Ontario)
Bodi, 15-week-old Vizsla (littermate of William, from previous week), acquainting himself with the new Mitchell Gold club chair while attempting to will his toys to jump up and join him.
- Corrine (Toronto)
The pictures were taken at my house, the dachshunds on the chair are, from left to right, Hazel, Ernie, and Nooner and the Newfoundland is Foyle. They can't seem to sit on any of our chairs alone, they all have to dog pile onto one. Foyle commandeers the couch and all the dog beds (including the dachshunds') but seems to turn his nose up at modern furniture. Not comfortable enough? The hounds on the other hand can't get enough and prefer the Bertoia chair above all. Better to scratch their backs on!
- Robin
This photo was taken awhile ago but remains one of my favorites. I couldn't believe I caught not one, but two misbehaving pets on furniture! Enjoy Sammie the dog, and Nicky the cat.
- Pam
I thought I would send this to you for your Monday pet feature.
- Tiffany
This is our 3 month old kitten "Virgola" sitting with nonchalance in our Billy bookcase trying to look like a candle-holder. We found her at the end of July in an irrigation channel. She was so tiny and cute that we had no choice but to adopt her.
-Teresa (Lodi, Italy)
Our cockapoo Ace on his favorite piece of furniture.
This is our other cockapoo Abbie laying on our couch in North Carolina.
-Alyssa (North Carolina)
This is my dog Mozi sitting on the couch that has been designated as his couch. He is a Great Pyranees and weighs about 120 pounds.
- Ian (Santa Rosa, California)
A great summer was had by all!
- Lisa (Nantucket, MA)
Reader Comments (11)
These guys are so adorably comical and I am sure they think the same about us humans. I always look forward to the sweet faces and the furniture, too, of course! Thank you for sharing these awesome images.
Sammie cracks me up! That's not even a place a dog would normally enjoy!!... He's just a copycat!! LOL
this is hilarious! the pug in the water cracks me up : )
x fallon
Those dachshunds are just beautiful! Love the dogs, love the photo.
Sammy, the dog and Nicky, the cat sleeping on the table just made me burst out laughing. Bad, bad, bad! But, seriously, how can you get upset at something so cute? And I bet they knew better, too.
These wonderful animals are all lookin' so cute, bein' bad!
I love the pug in the water...too darn adorable!
OMG, love the Bassets, want one again!!!
Thanks for the great pictures. The only things more important to me in my house other than my furnishings are my pets. Any designers who loves pets the way you obviously do, has my respect!
These are great photo's. I love the one of the Pug trying to stop the tide from coming in.
Sigh. I just love Newfies. And Basset Hounds, especially with co-ordinating bedlinen. And pugs. And Oh... and all of them!!!
Mozi looks very comfy on his sofa!