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Hundreds and thousands

Do they call the multi-coloured sprinkles on top of cakes "hundreds and thousands" in your part of the world? I never know anymore if a saying I have taken for granted all my life is common currency around the world. But it's hundreds and thousands that sprang to mind when I saw this cute as a button home shot by photographer Patric Johansson and styled by Myrica Bergqvist. A white, bright confection of a house with just the right sprinkle of colour.  A perfect way to rev up the energy to start the week. (Via Söderberg Agentur.)

Reader Comments (22)

Can't get enough of white walls! I think that white floors make great pictures but in "real life" can be a bit cold and hard to maintain, but white walls... they always work. I have no idea what made me spend hours choosing the right color for each room of my house, next time round its all white.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commenterselina

Love this kind of colour palette. We just did a white floor in our ensuite though, and despite the light airy feel it shows up every fallen human hair, dog hair and dust particle. Never again.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOur Old House

these are great, very inspiring to get organized.

I love all the white in the picture.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCes

beautiful images! "I believe in plenty of optimism and white paint" Elsie de Wolf

p.s.: no Bulgarian word for "hundreds and thousands" :-)

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDesign Elements

Wonderful colours together with the white base. Inspiring, thanks:)

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered

I really love this. It makes me happy.
- agata.

nope we call them sprinkles. but I like your word better.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAppleTree

I am big fan of white in interiors. It allows you to add color or not and the possibilities are limitless. It looks very fresh.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commentersue

I have never heard that phrase, but I like the comparison! I agree with the previous comments about the impracticality of white floors. We have one large room of white tile, and it always looks dusty/dirty. - Alyssa (Texas)

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlyssa

This feels like a fresh breath of air. I also really like the way they bring in color via smaller accessories.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commenterhomestilo

Oddly enough, there's an Agatha Christie short story where a dying man lies there murmuring "hundreds and thousands", over and over again. Everyone assumes it's the sprinkles, but in fact (spoiler) it turns out to be hundreds and thousands of pounds.

A popular story in the UK, it bombed in the US because no one understood the reference.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Hayes


I've not set up my current abode in this way, but I love white walls with brown furniture accenting them

Here in Chicago we call Hunderds and Thousands "Jimmies" or "Sprinkles", but I've heard them called Hundreds and Thousands before though at the moment I can't quite recall where

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTom

Gorgeous. Love how simple this is and yet it still manages to get a few fun splashes of color.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

Wow I adore this place, it's gorgeous! I call them hundreds and thousands and completely know what you mean, the splashes of colour are so sweet! :)

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSally

I love this house. I want to live like that! And I just made the perfect quilt for this house!

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commentercinzia allocca

this post really caught my attention. i love the white with spots of color and the mix of traditional, modern, and vintage.
i do have a question regarding the fireplace. i've noticed this circular chimney/tiled/corner style fireplace in lots of scandi homes. what's the background story on this? would love a post on that.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commenterteresa

'Hundreds and thousands' is what we said in the UK. I thought it was 'sprinkles' here? But then again sprinkles is what comes out of the sky at you here. Oh, imagine that! Streets and streets of upturned mouths.

19 Sep 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpimp my bricks

I am not such a big fan of all white ineriors, even though they do make a house feel light and nice, it's just too hard to maintain and if you don't decorate and accessorize properly (which is kindof hard for decoratingly challenged persons like me), it can feel a bit like a hospital (not here though).
But I absolutely adore these little corner fireplaces like in the fourth picture. It doesn't take up too much place and fire or no fire, instantly makes a room feel cosy and nice

20 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaïla

Kitchen. To. Die. For !

24 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Mawson

I really liked the surfboard in the first picture. It has given me some ideas about what to do with my dad's old long board if he decides he doesn't want to take it out to the ocean anymore....(provided he wants to give it to me, though!)
I love the colour palette, but I have often wondered if white is too high-maintenance?

24 Sep 2011 | Unregistered CommenterR

Gorgeous pictures! I saved the first one to my inspiration folder :-) The only name I know for colorful sprinkles is "disco dip" which I feel is apt ;-)

So so beautiful!!

3 Oct 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMapiurka

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